74. When people damage the book jacket.

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74. When people damage the book jacket.

Being someone who likes their book to be in tip-top condition, when I have a hard cover book I'm reading, I will take off the book jacket.

I mean, I don't want to ruin it, or rip it or something.

So, I usually just put it on the table in front of where I'm reading or something.

Only one problem,

I don't live alone.

And that means that almost always, someone is going to move it.

And usually, it's my mom.

And by the time I get it back, if she hasn't lost it,

Which she does a lot,

It will not be in the perfect condition.

I mean, that was the reason I took it off in the first place!

It's just annoying how the books damage isn't even your own fault.

(unrelated but perfect gif to the side)

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