97. Grammar Nazis.

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97. Grammar Nazis.

Writing can be included in this list right?

Well for this reason it is, well  guess it is reading too so I win.

Anyways, I understand criticism, it's a good thing to have.

But, when people get extreme with it and add things like threats or insults, or keep repeating it, it's pretty annoying.

You don't pick up on some things when writing, or even when you're reviewing it before you post it.

So, if someone does make a mistake, I personally ignore it (except for when it's for someone I know,) BUT, if an author asks for critiquing, give it to them, but make it in a way that's helpful instead of insulting.

I'm not saying this because I hate criticism, I encourage it for me because I know I need it (in a nice way,)

It's just that I've seen some author's talking about all the rudeness they get for making a few mistakes in their story.

It's not a published work, it's going to have mistakes.

So next time you comment about someone spelling something wrong or missing a comma or something,

Think to yourself, "huh is this a nice way of putting it or would I be offended getting this?"

A little cliche, but true.

(how about to lighten the mood you look at the gif on the side or wherever it is) 

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