1. leaving home

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I'd gotten my letter a while ago, a letter for Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. hope and I don't use the same magic the students there do.
The other thing was that it's in the UK.

"Are you ready to go girls, everyone's come to say goodbye" my mom shouted from downstairs

"Yeah were coming down in a minute"

"Well this is it, are you ready faith" hope asked.

"If I say no will they still make us go?"

We both burst out laughing and headed downstairs with our trunks full of supplies that had been sent a few days ago. Uncle Elijah was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for us.

"Now you girls behave, no causing trouble at this new school we don't want any injured students" Elijah warned us.
"We give you our word that we won't hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it" we replied in unison

"Remember my little wolve's I will hurt anyone that hurts you, don't worry about what your uncle says" said klaus.

"Now that's out the way we'll be going, please for god sake don't make any more enemies" hope replied.

After we'd gone around the whole family it was finally time to leave, luckily josh and marcel were taking us to this new school so we didn't have to worry about our parents nagging.
The song hakuna matata came on as we were listening to Disney songs.

"Now marcel why do you look so grumpy" I asked.

"Because you all have bad music taste"

"Excuse me but I'm going to kick you out of this bloody car if you insult Disney songs again" said hope.

We stopped fighting and laughed at Each other. By the time we'd listened the CD several times we finally reached the the thing called a port key, I don't know why it looks like a rusty old kettle. We'd been given the instructions to grab the handle and hope and I would be at Hogwarts but marcel and josh couldn't come with us. So we grabbed hold of the manky old kettle and started spinning until we let go and fell out of the sky in front of a castle which I'm guessing is the school, and so our adventure begins.

Authors note:
I've not written any story before so idk if it's any good, anyway hope you enjoy it
The storyline isn't exactly the same as the originals and I haven't seen legacies yet to know much about hope.

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