53. home

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For a while, everything was normal for once. Even exams seemed normal. It was my last year of school which Lyssa wasn't happy about but I'm sure she'll be fine. Exams had finished and it was a few days until school finished for the Year, Lyssa was coming back to the compound with me but is going to visit Sofie and some point. I'd already packed a lot of my room up and sent it back to America as I wouldn't be returning.
Well, it was all normal until I got one of those magic notes from Hope that said to meet her at the quidditch pitch. I was in the middle of class. I made an excuse and left early and sprinted down to the pitch, what was hope doing here anyway.

"What's wrong?" I was slightly out of breath.

"I saw them, I think I'm losing my mind because I couldn't have seen them but out of the corner of my eye I saw them and then they disappeared." She spoke incredibly fast.

"Hope. Who did you see?" I took hold of her hands so she'd look at me properly.

"I think Kol pulled whatever he was doing off" she looked right at me.

"We have to be smart about this, knowing those two they'll want to surprise us so we act like we don't know at least until I finish in a few days, message me if you think you see them again. Kol is a crazy bastard let's hope he did it right."
I hugged her.

"Yeah okay, I just wish mom were here too"

"Me too, me too"

We hung out for a while until we had to go back to where we are meant to be.

☆~•••• time skip I'm lazy ••••~☆

It was the last day so we were all packed to go to the train, then Lyssa and I would apparate from there. we headed down with Sofie and the trio, harry said bye to Draco, they were still assholes to each other but not in the I want you to die kind of way I mostly stay away from whatever is going on there. we found our compartment and got settled for the long journey. once we got there i spotted molly so we all walked over and she started fussing over her children.

"hey molly how are you, have you heard from bill and Charlie recently?" I smiled at her.

"I'm okay dear, I have not heard from Charlie but bill is dating that fleur girl" the expression on her face when talking about fleur told me she didn't like her.

"oh i remember her, she was a lovely girl, I hope to see her soon."

molly just tried to smile.

"anyway I've got to get back so were going to leave, we will come and see you soon, i hope you have a good holiday." Lyssa said her goodbyes and I apparated us back to New Orleans.

"guys we're back " Lyssa shouted.

aunt Freya appeared with Kol and Davina.

"hey kids, hope should be back soon" aunt hugged us both.

Lyssa and i both put our things in our rooms and went to talk to everyone about how their year went. once Lyssa went upstairs I asked the others about making a plan for tomorrow as it is her 14th birthday. I cant believe I met her when she a first year, so much has happened, it feels like she is actually my child. I get sad sometimes thinking I will never have children but Lyssa is more than I could hope for, I just with she had the chance of a proper life. she liked horror and reading so I got her some Stephan king books, I also got her some of her favourite sweets. we agreed that no drama is to happen tomorrow or id kill the lot of them, drama tends to happen at family events but Lyssa doesn't need that. Hope was back pretty soon after. we went to talk in my room about the dreams.

"they definitely don't want us to know something yet, Davina looks uncomfortable you now she can't keep things from us, Freya is good at hiding stuff so i got nothing from her and Kol keeps looking at us like he's done something crazy."

"so its safe to say that the dreams mean they're back " hope replied.

"yes but more importantly, Lyssa, her birthday is tomorrow, i don't know how her birthdays went in the past but i want to make it good for her. "

"I'm sure you'll do great you have been her mother figure for a while now and she loves you and Fred. speaking of is he coming over for her birthday? Oh and the Sofie kid as well."

"yeah both Fred and George got a day off they close the shop on certain days for a few hours they're going to apparate here tomorrow morning and i am going to pick up Sofie in the morning, i got permission from her parents to apparate to their house. "

we talked for a while and lyssa joined us, we watched movies until lyssa fell asleep and I went out to get ingredients for a cake. i ran into a bunch of people i grew up around here, by people i mean werewolves but they were cool. once i got home i started on the cake, lyssa had mentioned that she wanted a cake that looks like it belonged in Anne with an e or one that's in her words "witchy".

 once i got home i started on the cake, lyssa had mentioned that she wanted a cake that looks like it belonged in Anne with an e or one that's in her words "witchy"

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i really hope she likes it.

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