2.the sorting ceremony

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We were met by an old lady in a very big hat but she looked like someone to be trusted.
"I assume that you are the two Mikaelsons starting here today, i am Professor Minerva McGonagall"

"Pleasure to meet you I'm faith and this is my twin hope" I say stretching my hand out to shake Professor McGonagalls.

"Now if you'll follow me I'll take you to be sorted into your houses, Hogwarts is divided into four houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. Throughout the school year, the houses compete for the House Cup, gaining and losing points based on actions such as performance in class and rule violations."

We are told to wait outside while McGonagall went to tell the headmaster Dumbledore that we had arrived.
"Hope, do you think we'll be accepted here, y'know with us being tribrids and all?"

" faith I promise what ever happens we will be fine we're safe here so don't worry."

We decide to listen in on what's happening in the hall.

"I am pleased to announce that two new students will be joining us all the way from new Orleans, please welcome hope and faith Mikaelson"

I assume this is said by Dumbledore as we can't actually see into the hall.
I push open the doors and lead hope down the aisle in the middle of the hall towards the old hat at the end. There were students whispering about us but one stood out specifically .

" who are the Mikaelsons?" Asks a small boy with dark hair and glasses.

A girl around the same age with big bushy hair answers his question.
"They are the original family, and these two are the tribrid daughters of the origional hybrid klaus Mikaelson the hybrid Hayley Marshall."

McGonagall calls hope up first to sit on the stool and the grubby old hat starts talking hope gets put in Gryffindor. It's my turn I slowly walk up to the stool and sit on it, the hat is placed on my head, and states that I would have great fame and glory by joining Slytherin House and that i possess Slytherin qualities such as, cunning and determination but after a while of me saying Gryffindor and basically pleading the hat I get to go and join hope. The feast commences, the food is amazing.

The girl with brown bushy hair approaches us with the dark haired boy and a ginger one.
"Hi I'm Hermione Granger, the one with the glasses is harry potter and the other boy is Ron weasly, it's a pleasure to meet you both"

"It's nice to meet you too what year are you lot in" I reply

" we're are third years, what about you?"

"We're 4th years, is there anyone you would know that would talk to us"  said hope.

Before any of the younger kids could answer Dumbledore said it was time to go back to the dormitories so we followed Hermione, harry and Ron because we had absolutely no idea where they were.

the tribrids at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now