Names (Lilia x Reader)

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Happy Birthday Lilia! 🥳🥳

You flick through the pages of the book absent-minded, humming at certain names, occasionally pausing to pick up a pen and circle around those which you liked the most. It'd been easier when you were leafing through a book of human names, but the different fae names had you somewhat stumped. Some had meanings that sounded wonderful, but you knew you'd never be able to fully pronounce the names: and then there were some names that were beautiful, but the meanings were... ambiguous.

"Dear?" You flinched and quickly closed the book, shoving it in your pocket so your boyfriend couldn't see.

Lilia soon turned the corner into the lounge and his soft smile grew, opening his arms as he walked forward. You met him half way, sinking into his embrace with a smile of your own.

The two of you had graduated from NRC long ago, coming upon your five-year anniversary of when you officially got together a few months after your graduation ceremony. Sadly you had never found - no, you told yourself, had yet to find - a way back home to your world, but you never had and never will forget the kindness Lilia showed you as your time in Twisted Wonderland went on. Simple things like helping you get a better grasp at your subjects or invitations to stay with him during the holidays had made your heart grow fond for the fae.

These feelings multiplied as he offered you a place to stay once you could no longer find shelter in the Ramshackle dorm, when he'd stuck by your side as a magicless human trying to find work in the fae world and helping you scour through endless books on worldly transportation, being your one source of positivity on those dark days you'd thought of giving up. Soon you'd found yourself confessing your attraction to Lilia and he'd returned your feelings in full, taking you in his arms just like now, professing his happiness that you loved him as well.

Your reminiscing was brought to a close as he pecked a chaste kiss to your lips, stroking some stray hairs from your face.

"How was your day, my dear?" Lilia asks, reluctantly letting go of you to take the groceries into the kitchen. "I hope your cold is getting better."

"Seems like it was only a day flu." You reassure him, taking a place beside him to assist with putting the food away.

Lilia presses a quick kiss to your cheek. "I'm relieved."

The two of you continue your routine in a comfortable silence filled only by the opening and closing of cabinet doors. You left out a couple of items for that night's dinner (and glared at Lilia when he attempted to add some things to the group that would have ruined it completely) before opening the glass cabinet to pour the two of you drinks.

"Malleus' little one had his first magic lesson today." Lilia recounts once the two of you had retreated to the living room, drinks in hand. "The poor boy nearly set his teacher ablaze!"

You hum, absent-minded, as Lilia continues to speak more about the Draconia family and their youngest's exploits. You tried to show only enthusiasm but Lilia was quick to pick up on your hidden feelings when he saw your face.

"Are you feeling alright, my dear?" He asks softly, still smiling but concern etched into his voice and features. "Are you sure you're feeling better? I don't mind if you need to rest."

You shook your head, laughing away your apprehensiveness. "No, no, I'm feeling fine! Sorry, maybe I'm just a bit tired."

Lilia hums before reaching in to his pocket and pulling out a familiar book. Best Names for your Newborn Fae. "Is it something to do with this, then?"

Your eyes open wide and your cheeks turn red as you realised you'd been caught. "Um... W-Well..."

Your gaze dropped to your lap as you ran your thumb over your cup as words tried to formulate in your mind. Lilia didn't push you, instead lowering the book into his lap and keeping that steady, reassuring smile.

"Sorry... it's just..." A sigh escapes your lips as you finally attempt to speak. "Every day, you come back with stories of Malleus' children, or I hear about my friends' kids... even Ace has a family now. A little girl, can you believe it? ...I guess it just got me thinking a little, that's all. Sorry, I should've said something instead of just buying those books..."

Lilia chuckles and shakes his head. He places his drink and the name book on the side, then takes your hands in his and kneels in front of you.

"(y/n), you have nothing to apologise for." Lilia tells you soothingly, rubbing circles into the backs of your hands. "I should've noticed sooner."

"It's just... we haven't even gotten past the marriage stage yet, I never really thought that far, I just..." Your words came out in a rush, jumbled together as all your negativity comes bubbling to the surface.

"...Do you want to?" Lilia asks after a moment's pause so you can collect yourself, his expression kind but unreadable. "If I asked you to... '(y/n) (l/n), would you marry me?'... would you say yes?"

You mouth feel open in shock as your heart began to speed up. One of your hands left Lilia's to drift up to your face, covering your mouth as tears formed in the corners of your eyes.

"Yes. Yes, I would." You tell him through broken sobs, a shaky smile on your face. "Yes. Yes. A hundred times, yes."

Lilia lets go of your remaining hand to throw his arms around you, which you reciprocated, happy tears flowing freely. Lilia began to pepper your face with kisses, kissing away all the tears, even though some of his own were threatening to fall as well.

"Humans typically have a ring for such occasions, don't they?" Your lover - no, fiancé - recalls with a chuckle. "My apologies, dearest. I'll make sure to find you one soon."

Laughter of your own peals out from your lips. Even if a ring was tradition, right now it seemed so arbitrary that you couldn't care less.

You moved your face from the crook of his neck and brung him into a kiss, one that said everything you wanted to say without a single murmur. Lilia's face was glowing when you pulled about after what seemed like centuries.

"Though, I am curious." Lilia continues, returning to his place on the couch and pulls you into his lap. You lean your head against his chest as he talks. "What do you prefer? (y/n) Vanrouge, or Lilia (l/n)?"

You shake your head as you laugh slightly. "Does it matter?"

"I should think it does." Lilia raises an eyebrow, though his smile didn't turn any less fond. "We need something to write on the certificate."

"..." You stayed silent in your thoughts. Both sounded nice, but... not quite right. "How about... (l/n)-Vanrouge?"

Lilia hums in thought before nodding, smile widening into a grin. "That sounds perfect."

You reach up to peck his lips, a sign of sealing the deal. Lilia returns it, then gives you another, then another, constant kisses causing you to laugh once more as he reaches over and takes the name book from the side.

"That's one name down." He says after a moment, opening the book as you catch your breath from the kiss marathon. "Let's decide on the next."

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