On A Late Night (Riddle x Reader)

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I apologise for the unintentional Riddle spam!

Happy birthday Riddle! 🥳

Riddle stared at your sleeping figure, wondering how he got so lucky. Once again, you'd managed to make his birthday perfect; from his presents to the food to the decorations, everything was tailored perfectly to his tastes. He couldn't begin to imagine the amount of effort just one of those categories took you.

The red-head reached out a hand to stroke your cheek, smiling when you learnt into his touch. Even in your sleep, you still knew exactly what to do to make his heart flutter. Your skill still amazed him even now, years down the line.

Riddle placed a kiss to your forehead. The small moments like these were what Riddle enjoyed the most. Curled up in bed together, your face calm as he caressed your cheek, Riddle resisting the urge to pepper your face with kisses in case he woke you up.

He couldn't imagine what his life would have been like if he hadn't met you. After his overblot, you'd stayed by his side and continued to support him anyway you could. Doing small things like bringing him tarts or helping with his work, to bigger things like being a shoulder to cry on and pour his heart out to when his mother was being too much. Trey and Cater had helped, sure, but it seemed like you knew exactly what to do to make his doubts and fears disappear. He was so happy when you gave him the chance to make you happy, too.

Your relationship hadn't been as ideal as he'd hoped in the beginning. Worry over losing you had caused a few regressions in his personality, yet you'd still held his hand and talked things out with him. It wouldn't take long for Riddle to realise his mistake and fix it after that - well, the majority of the time was taken up by his apologising. He was just glad he hadn't lost you.

Slowly but surely, your relationship had flourished. From a college romance to long-term lovers post-graduation and now a steady relationship... It was everything Riddle could ever dream of. Any wrong turns meant nothing to Riddle when he could come home to you - he still couldn't believe you'd agreed to live with him, even if it had been over a year - and see your smile and wrap you up in his arms. He took pride in being able to say he was yours and you were his, his precious (y/n) who'd rescued him from his darkness and still managed to do so much more for him.

Unable to hold back any longer, Riddle placed a kiss on your lips. It was only a quick, chaste one but it turned Riddle's cheeks almost as red as his hair.

"Mmm...?" You shifted in your sleep, eyes fluttering open. "Riddle...?"

Guilt flashed across your boyfriend's face. "Ah, sorry..."

You shook you head and leant into his palm. "It's fine. I'm surprised you're still awake though... don't you have a meeting with a client early in the morning?"

"I just... have something on my mind right now." He explained, glancing away. "It's making it hard to sleep."

Your face scrunched up in confusion. "Is everything okay?"

"It's nothing bad," Riddle said hastily, "just... something important, and... I'm not sure when..."


Riddle sighed and sat up. Still somewhat worried, you followed suit. You reached your hand over to place on top of his fisted ones. The act made Riddle turn back to you and smile reassuringly.

"I'm fine, really." He intertwined one hand with yours. "It's just something neither my mother nor the Queen of Hearts' rules really explained to me... well, I somewhat glad they didn't. However..."

You moved yourself closer to your boyfriend and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Can you tell me what it is?"

Riddle shook his head, surprising you.

"Maybe you could ask Trey or Cater about it, then?" You suggested.

Riddle frowned. "I already have... but their advice was both the same, and unfortunately ultimately unhelpful."

"Chen'ya, then? Or maybe even Ace or Deuce?"

Riddle shook his head again. "I did ask Chen'ya, but he was... vague, like always. And Ace and Deuce... this isn't really something I'd like to ask them about."

You pursed you lips as you thought. Riddle's eyes looked at you but were unfocused, like he was thinking about you but at the same time not. He reached out slowly and pulled you closer to him, hugging you tightly. You leant into his touch, welcoming his warmth.

You turned your face so you could look at him properly. "I don't think my advice would be helpful since I don't know what it is," you concluded, "but know that I'm here for you anyways, Riddle. I love you."

"I love you, too. So much." Riddle replied.

He caught your lips eagerly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he moved his hands to hold you by the waist, managing to pull you closer still. At one point you'd both managed to fall back down, but both of you were too wrapped up by the ongoing string of kisses to notice or care.

"Riddle..." you mumbled, breaking away for air.

The red-head studied your face with an unreadable expression. The hands around your waist tightened. Then, something seemed to click in Riddle's mind - it was only really a change in his eyes, yet you knew that look. He'd decided on something and he was going to see it through.

He pushed the two of you up again, keeping you close on his lap. You watched as he turned to the chest of drawers on his side of the bed and pulled something out from the back of the top drawer. In the dark of the night you couldn't make it out, but Riddle clutched whatever it was tightly.

He turned to you again and took a deep breath.

"(y/n), ever since you came in to my life, you've always been there for me, no matter what it was. I know there have been times where I've been more than hard to handle, but you were always there to ground me with your kindness. Ever since you accepted my confession back at Night Raven College, I vowed to myself that I would make you the happiest person alive. And I want to continue that vow... by taking the next step."

Riddle carefully unfolded his fingers. In his palm was a gold ring with a heart-shaped ruby set on top. Your eyes widened.

"I know this isn't the most romantic way to do this, and I promise I will change that in the morning... but for right now..."

Riddle met your eyes.

"(y/n), will you marry me?"

Shock made it hard for you to speak. You couldn't look away from Riddle, your eyes fogging up. You brought a hand over your mouth, though it wasn't enough to cover your wide smile. As the tears began to fall, you answered.

"Yes!" You choked out. "Yes! Yes, yes!"

The weight of the world flew off Riddle's shoulders. Instantly his hand was on the back of your head as you pulled you in for a kiss, his other arm looped round your waist. All the anxiety and anticipation he had battled over the past few months evaporated as he kissed you as passionately as he could, pouring every inch of his love for you into it.

You were dizzy as you pulled away, though you weren't sure if it was from the kiss or your own raging emotions. Riddle took your hand and gently pushed the engagement ring up your ring finger. The sight made tears of his own start to fall.

He didn't dwell on them though as he began brushing and kissing away yours. He didn't resist as you pulled him in for a second heated kiss, kissing back as intensely as he could. He held your hand in his, massaging his thumb over your ring and its finger.

After the kiss had broken, you buried your face into your fiancé's neck. Fiancé... your fiancé. Riddle had proposed. You looked down and touched the ring... It wasn't a dream! Your face felt like it was on fire.

Riddle massaged circles into your back, still letting his tears of joy fall down. You'd accepted. He never thought any day would be better than the day you accepted his confession, but this certainly beat it. Would it be like that on your wedding day?

Just the thought of standing in front of you as you exchanged vows made Riddle want to cry all over again. Instead he gently pulled you away from his neck and peppered kisses all over your face, ending with sweetest kiss either of you had ever shared.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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