Tickle Time (Ace x Reader)

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Happy birthday Ace! 🥳

Ace flops down on one of Heartslabyul's sofas, throwing his head back while his arms and legs dangle. "Ugh, I'm so tired!"

You place down your bag, raising an eyebrow at him. "Even though you slept through every single class?"

Ace shoots a look at you which you only laugh at. You'd long learnt that any looks your boyfriend sent to you were only meant in good fun.

"Today's been super boring though." Ace continues to complain. "Seriously, Trein normally is bad enough, but not even Vargas did anything interesting! Just making us run laps like dogs."

You roll your eyes, nudging Ace over so you could sit down. "Maybe if you stayed awake, you'd have found it more interesting."

"Babe, you're starting to sound like Riddle." Ace winces, giving you a pained look. "Please don't."

You laugh again, leaning your head against Ace's shoulder. "Alright, alright."

The two of you stay still, enjoying the moment of peace before the school bell rings to signal the end of lunch. Ace pushes some hair off your face so he can look at your better, letting his fingers drift down your cheek and graze against the point where your jawline and neck connected. When you let out a small giggle, a smirk takes place on his face.

You open your eyes as you feel he move away from you, frowning slightly in confusion. You sit up to look at him only to get pulled down so your back was against his lap. Worry flashed across your face as you realised what he was planning.

"Ace, don't you da- HA!" Your warning was cut off as Ace mercilessly attacks your sides, causing shrieks of laughter to echo across the room.

"Now this is interesting!" Ace teases, tickling pace getting faster.

Ace dodged his head out of the way of your hands as they try to push his face away in retaliation, though just narrowly missing your kicking legs. Even if you tried to grab his arms and move them away, you knew from past experience that it would only be a temporary relief.

"Ace- haha- I'm going to- HA!- k-kill you...!" You warned him, trying to suppress the smile winning the battle to stay on your face.

Tears were beginning to form in your eyes from how hard your laughter was. Ever since Ace had found out how ticklish you were, he'd never let you live it down - whether it was small jabs in the hallway to make you squeal or full-on tickle attacks like right now, you were forced to deal with Ace's sadistic tendencies in what you were sure was the worst way possible. How you suffered under your boyfriend's cruel, cruel hands.

Not that you didn't get your own back on him in your own way, but you know. Still unfair.

Finally, after what seemed like hours (well, it hadn't even been a minute, but still), Ace moves his hands away from your sides, freeing you from your torture. You take a minute to compose yourself, taking deep breathes to stop the dizzy feeling in your head. When you see Ace's gigantic smirk, you glare.

"You suck." You stated simply, pushing yourself up.

Ace chuckles, smirk only growing. "Aw, you love me really."

"Unfortunately." You concede, to your regret and your boyfriend's delight.

Even so, you don't push him away when he grabs the other side of your face and pulls you in for a kiss. You place one hand on Ace's chest to stop yourself falling forward, leaning into the kiss, hoping your frustration was getting across. Unfortunately it ended up being Ace's amusement being conveyed instead as you felt your lips twitching up into a grin to rival his own.

You pull back, still somewhat not ready enough for a long kiss due to lack of air. Ace doesn't mind, instead wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a hug. You lean against his chest, happy for the quiet again.

"Love you too." Ace whispers in your ear.

The air sets off your nerves again and you react too late to stifle your laughter. However this time you don't waste a second before turning your head to stare at Ace, shooting what he had to admit was one of the most intimidating glares he'd ever seen in his life right at him. He held up his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright, I won't!" Ace promises.

You were still sceptical, but choosing to place your trust in him, you return to your previous comfortable position. Sighing in relief, Ace re-wraps his hands against you, nuzzling his face against your hair.

"...for now." He mumbles.

"C'mon!" You pout, glare returning, though not as strong as you were trying to keep a smile down.

Ace grins and catches your lips again. You place your hands on his shoulders, pushing back against his lips with force. Just because you weren't really angry at him doesn't mean you were going to let him think you were a pushover (not that he did).

The two of you's competitive spirits were unfortunately interrupted by the sound of the ringing school bell. Ace pulled away first this time to groan out loud, now not only dreading more annoyingly boring classes but also upset his time with you was cut short.

You laugh and tap him on the nose. "You can see me after class, you big baby."

"Still..." Ace groans again, giving you a quick squeeze in the hug before letting you go. You get up and grab both your bags from the table, tossing him his so he has to catch it as he stands up. It almost caused him to fall over, making Ace give you a glare you took great satisfaction from.

"Not like you were going to beat me, anyway." You tease, slinging your bag over your shoulder.

"Of course I was going to beat you." Ace says matter-of-factly. "After all, all I have to do is... THIS!"

The same second the smirk returns to Ace's face, he jabs both your sides, causing you to let out a sound that was a mix of a snort and a squeal.


"See you after class, babe~"

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