Photography (Trey x Reader)

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Happy birthday Trey!🥳

Trey blinks as he hears the shutter of a camera lens. Turning away from the dough he was kneading, he turns to see you behind him, giving him a smile shy and wave. He returns the expression with a pleasant smile of his own.

"Ah, (y/n)." Trey greets, indicating with his shoulder for you to come closer. "Rare to see you around Heartslabyul without Ace or Deuce."

You take the upperclassman's offer and come further, holding up your camera as evidence while you explain. "The Headmaster wanted me to go around getting 'authentic' photos of the dorms and student life... something about showing off the school's properties to potential new students? He kinda dashed off before I could ask..."

Trey laughs in sympathy as he continues to knead the dough, but looks at you occasionally out of the corner of his eye. "I see. That sounds like something he would do. Hopefully it hasn't been too stressful on you."

"Surprisingly no, for once." You laugh along. "I have yet to encounter a single sinister plot leading to another troubled teen. Shocking, I know."

The green-haired student shakes his head at your sarcasm. The two of you allow a comfortable silence to fall. You lean against the cleanest part of the counter and watch Trey work, keep a light hand on your camera in case you felt the need to take another photo.

On his end, Trey turned his attention back to the dough, humming lightly as he works, just appreciating your presence. When he was satisfied he was reaching the end of his work, he points to the cabinet behind you.

"Ah, can you grab the bread tin for me? I'm nearly done here." He explains, dropping his hand back down to finish the kneading.

You nods in reply, letting the camera drop on its cord around your neck so you could carry the tin over safely. You place it just beside Trey.

"That looks tough." You comment, noticing how much strength he was putting into his movement.

Trey's jacket had been hung up on a nearby hanger (unsurprisingly), replaced by a hearts-themed apron. His shirt sleeves had also been rolled up to elbow-length, showing off his forearms that were a lot more toned than you'd expected. Well, with how much strength he was displaying now, you were hardly surprised.

Trey shakes his head at your comment. "It sort of is. It was hard when I started out, but it's a lot easier now. On one hand I'd like to say you get used to it the more you do it, though it could also be I'm stronger than when I was five..."

He trails off into a soft laugh, causing your lips to twitch into a smile.

"May I try?" You ask, pointing to the dough.

Trey blinks, slightly surprised, then shrugs and moves back. He gives you a reassuring smile. "Sure."

You place down your camera on top of one of the kitchen stools before taking his place. You rolled up your own sleeves and tried to copy Trey's movements, rolling your arms as you push into the dough.

Trey gave you a hum in evaluation. "Not bad for a first time. Here, let me help..."

Before you could ask how, Trey leaned in and placed his hands on top of yours, his chest inches away from your back. You made a small noise of surprise, turning to him with an alarmed look on your face coupled with a blush. The charming smile Trey flashed at your reaction didn't help you either.

"Like this, (y/n)." Trey says, making you flinch at how close his voice was to your ear. You wondered if you'd be able to pay attention with him so close.

His teaching skills weren't anything to ignore either though, you soon found. Like when you were watching his baking skills, you soon became transfixed on doing what he said, finding the work to become much easier at only a few suggestions.

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