Darling, Just Be Mine (Overblot!Jamil x Reader)

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[Originally posted on "bluerosewritings" on tumblr]

Chapter 2 + 4 spoilers

Warnings: yandere, force, possessiveness, snakes

"Now, now, Prefect." Jamil tutted. "No need to scowl."

He traced a finger up from your neck to the tip of your chin. When he felt you squirm against the odd texture of the ink, he grabbed you by the jaw and forcefully pulled your face closer to his. The sudden action made you lose balance, falling to your knees in front of Jamil. Though he kept a hold of your jaw, your face now rested between his knees, forced to look up at his triumphant grin.

His grip loosened on your jaw and he begun to rub circles into your cheek. After a long silence, he tapped your should so you fell backwards on to your butt, hands bound so you were unable to soften the fall. You watched him eye you up and down, admiring the red silk garments he'd had the other dorms members force you into. His eyes locked on to yours, letting out a chuckle when he registered the look you were giving him.

Picking up the dorm leader's staff, Jamil flicked the head of it over his shoulder. As he'd attached the chains of your golden cuffs to it, what he now considered a minor use of strength caused you to be yanked on to his lap, bumping against his chest. Before you had a chance to pull back, he placed his free hand on the small of your back. The snakes that were formerly his hair wound themselves around your legs and arms. The one that didn't tangle itself around you flittered its tongue against your ear.

"I was right," Jamil whispered, looking down at your clothes again. "Red does suit you better than that pathetic green Kalim gave you."

"My eyes are up here." You snap.

Jamil smirks, bringing his eyes up. "Like I said, no need to scowl. Surely you prefer being in the arms of the most powerful man in Night Raven instead of that waste of space Kalim's?"

Your glare intensified. "At least Kalim's better a- mmph!"

Your words were cut off by Jamil slamming your lips into his. As you attempted to pull away, Jamil pulled at your hair, making you yelp in surprise. The noise made Jamil smirk, pushing you closer to him as his chuckles vibrate across your lips. When he finally let you pull away, you found it hard to move your mouth, lips tingling with the fresh memory of the harsh kiss.

Jamil pushes your head down, forcing you to nuzzle into the nape of his neck. "I don't want to hear that fake sultan's name again, understand?"

While you knew he said it with a smile, you also knew it wasn't a question. The snakes wriggling unhappily on your limbs were enough proof.

"...Yes, Jamil." You reluctantly said.

"I'm sorry?"

You took a deep breath and spoke louder. "Yes, my Sultan."

The hand in your hair relaxed. "Good Prefect. Though I suppose you won't be needing that title any longer... how does my little charmer sound instead?"

You felt him pull at a piece of your hair, twirling it around his index and middle finger before giving it a light tug. Seeing it as an order to look up, you took a deep breath before meeting Jamil's eyes, trying to look as submissive as you could. Maybe if you acted like the perfect pet, listening and following his commands, you'd be able to buy yourself enough time for Kalim and the Octavinelle trio to come back, or maybe for Grim to bust out his cage and contact the headmaster... then again, option A seemed much more likely.

Jamil, unaware of your train of thought, was just soaking in your presence. Ah... how he'd waited. While he hadn't taken much notice of you at the entrance ceremony, his interest in you had grown when you were investigating the accidents before the Magift tournament. He'd recognised the sense of duty in your eyes - not a willing one, but one where you'd been instructed and made to act. Just like he had to with Kalim.

Yet you'd still looked at him with empathy. He'd seen the way your eyes had glanced at his cut and noticed the sorrow - not pity, but genuine sadness and regret. Heard the way your voice had softened when speaking to him. You were being forced, yet you'd seen him as his own person. Not some hand or means to an end.

So when he found out you were staying at the school for the winter holidays, he was... well, happy to put it lightly. Not only were you potentially a massive step forward in his plan, but he would be able to just get to know you. See if that empathy continued, if you really saw him as an equal - you listened to him about the dorm's issues (even if they fake), smiled at him in reassurance to encourage him. The time he spent with you felt like he'd wandered into his own Cave of Wonders, happily cherishing every second of it no matter how limited.

Limited because of Kalim. That fake sultan always had to ruin everything. Whenever Jamil has free time outside his plan to be with you, Kalim would be there, practically sitting on your lap as he offered you food or something else he owned. That wasn't the worst of it thought - the worst part is that you humoured him. Gave him that priceless smile, letting him hear your laugh that was sweeter than anything Jamil had ever tasted. And that magic carpet ride! Jamil knew he should've convinced Kalim to leave that blasted thing at home. How close had you gotten? As close as Jamil was to you now? Even closer?

Jamil released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. That didn't matter now, Jamil told himself. Now, that spoilt brat was at the end of the world, far away from you, you who was currently sitting in his lap and giving him the cutest look of obedience. Oh, how he wished he'd overblotted sooner. If he had known about the amount of power he now possessed, he would've gladly pushed himself past his limit if only to have you in his arms quicker. Still, he had you now, and that adorable look you had and your smile were all his.

Still blissfully unaware of your thoughts, he cupped your cheek. Cautiously, you leaned into his touch, shivering at the feeling of the ink.

Softer this time, Jamil pulled you in for a second kiss. As much as you wished it wasn't, you had to admit this one was not just better, but actually a good kiss, period. Jamil had managed to tilt his head just right so the kiss felt completely natural and breathtakingly perfect. You felt the emotion he was pushing into the kiss - the adoration, the relief, the possessiveness, all the repressed emotions you'd sensed in him, what had drawn you to him, bursting forth in this one kiss. And you didn't mind it. You didn't know if you should be ashamed as leaning into the kiss and wrapping your arms around his neck seemed easier than it should have been.

You didn't know how long you kissed him for. Pulling away left you feeling light-headed and craving more. Was this an effect of the overblot?

Jamil, meanwhile, couldn't have been happier. "You learn fast, my little charmer. Where'd all that fight from earlier go?"

You improvised. "I was just... shocked. Scared. I was worried you wouldn't..."

You didn't know how to finish your sentence. Judging by Jamil's chuckle, however, it seemed it didn't matter.

"Don't be." He reassured you, turning you sideways on his lap to hold you better. "Now that you're with me, you won't have to be scared of anything ever again. No one will stop us from getting what we want. I'll make sure of it."

You leaned against his chest. Even with the cold metal pressing against the side of your face, even with the odd feeling of ink from the arms enveloping you, you had to admit it was... nice. The previously threatening snakes had retreated from your limbs, now decorating your shoulders, neck and jawline, tongues ghosting your skin in what you now realised were kisses. The realisation brought a new shade of red to your cheeks. Jamil chuckled at the sight, placing a quick kiss on your forehead as a way to calm you down, though it did the opposite.

Kalim and the others needed to hurry, you thought. If they took any longer, you might not want to be rescued.

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