Heart's Arrow (Rook x Reader)

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Happy birthday Rook! 🥳🥳

"Just like that..." Rook whispers next to you, one arm wrapped around your shoulders and the other lightly cusping your outstretched hand. You don't see his eyes move, but he hums in delight. "Parfait. Go ahead, mon cher."

He backs away three steps, giving you space. Just as he'd instructed you, you take a deep breathe before letting go of the string and watching the arrow fly. The thud echoed throughout Night Raven College's field as it pierced the target. Anticipation heavy in your chest, you place down your bow on to the floor beside you and walk up the designated path then across to where your target was, biting your lip as you approach, praying for a bullseye.

You move in front of the target and sigh.

"What's wrong, mon cher?" Rook calls out from the other end of your impromptu archery range. With his superhuman vision, you were sure he already knew, but decided to humour him anyway.

Though that didn't mean you were going to announce your disappointment to whoever else was on the field. You clasp you hand around the base of the arrow engraved into the target's fabric and yank it out, along with the rest of the arrows you'd borrowed from Rook. Once they were tucked safely under your arm, you took off down the designated path again. When you were back, Rook met you at the end of the walkway and took his arrows off you, his bow already magically (probably literally) gone.

"It just grazed the target." You admit with a defeated tone, unable to look Rook in the eye after the months he'd spent mentoring you.

"Magnifique! That's wonderful progress!" Rook complimented.

His words didn't do anything to improve your mood. Rook always managed to see the beauty in all situations - while it was one of the qualities you (secretly (hopefully)) loved about him, it always made you worry about whether what you were doing was good or whether the positivity was just coming from Rook's never ending optimism.

"Mon cher?" Rook frowned as you sat down and leaned against a nearby tree. "What's the matter?"

"...nothing." You deny, not in the mood to talk it over just yet. "Can you just... demonstrate for me?"

Rook blinks then chuckles, throwing his arms up in fake dismay and shaking his head. "How many times would that be now? Well, it's of no matter. Watch closely, oui?"

You nod mutely. Rook gives you one last smile before retrieving his bow and taking up his position while simultaneously nocking an arrow. You envied his elegance while doing so. He seemed so at peace with himself, yet so eager to shoot at the same time, eyes locked on to the target like it was the one prey he'd been seeking all his life. Then off the arrow flew and that intense moment went with it, making you second-guess yourself once again.

You continued to watch Rook diminish the arrows in his quiver until he ran out. The entire time you wondered whether you would reach the same level as Rook some day. Archers had always been interesting for you, whether it be in movies, TV shows, books or just plain old real life. So when you learnt that Rook was an expert on archery, you'd begged him to teach you - or, well, you would have if he hadn't accepted the second the first plea left your mouth.

"I thought I told you to watch closely?"

You look up and see Rook looming over you, quiver once again full with it arrows and bow strapped to his back. Instead of continuing to scold you, he sits down in front so you couldn't look away.

"...How do you do it so well?" You ask after a moment. "You always look so... perfect. It's mesmerising."

"Ah, merci, mon cher, for the high praise!" Rook exclaims, his smile widening. "But it's just the old saying - practice makes perfect, and I have been practicing since I was young."

Letting out an irritated sigh, your shoulders slump and you turn your gaze away.

"But!" Rook's sudden continuation caused you to look at him once again. "That does not mean you cannot reach the same level, mon cher. Your work today - true beauté! I've never seen a more captivating expression."

Despite your best efforts, a happy blush rises to your cheeks at the compliment. "Thank you... though, is there really no other advice you could give?"

Rook chuckles at your determination. As a mentor, he supposed he offer some pointers, so he thought over what he could say.

"Well," he hums, "it always helps me to think of who I wish to capture the most - the one target I hope my arrows fly true to."

"That sounded oddly romantic." You giggle slightly. "Who is it, Leona?"

"As magnifique as Roi du Léon is, I must admit that someone new has captured my attention." Rook admits, catching you off-guard. "Someone from whom I truly hope to embody the name 'Hunter of Love' for."

"I-I see..." You nod, even more surprised that you had been correct about the romantic aspect of his words too.

"I have to ask a question, as well, mon cher." Rook says, leaning in slightly closer. "Why do you wish to get a bullseye so bad?"

Your hands clenched into fists. A month ago, you wouldn't have had an answer - you would have simply said you wanted the satisfaction, the thrill of reaching your childhood dream. But now...

Now you wanted it because that would be the day you finally confess to Rook.

"...It's personal." Is all you share. Rook doesn't seem to react. "Once I reach that goal, well... I promised myself I'd do something then."

Rook leans back, seemingly satisfied. "What a coincidence. I promised myself to do something when that day arrives as well."

You're taken aback momentarily, then shake your head. For all you knew, Rook could just mean moving on to teach you how to fire an arrow with your feet instead. You shouldn't allow yourself to get your hopes up.

"All the more reason for me to reach it, then!" You smile, your confidence returning as talking about your goal fills you with determination.

Rook nods and stands up, offering you a hand. "Then let's not waste anymore time, mon béguin."

You accept the hand but raise an eyebrow at the sudden change of nicknames. "Mon béguin? What happened to mon cher?"

"It just feels more right, mon béguin." Rook says, looking as if he was trying the words out on his tongue. "Oui... mon béguin. That is parfait for now."

You laugh a little, long used to this kind of behaviour from Rook. "I'm going to practice my stance a bit first, if that's alright."

"Of course!" Rook nods and eagerly hands you his bow.

You smile appreciatively at him and return to your place in front of your chosen target. Rook watches you happily, his expression a perfect mask of content.

"Mon béguin is good for now." He repeats to himself, quieter than a whisper. "But one day, I hope you shall allow me to call you mon amour."

Parfait - Perfect
Mon cher - My dear
Magnifique - Magnificent
Oui - Yes
Merci - Thank you
Beauté - Beauty
Mon béguin - My crush
Mon amour - My love

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