Please Be My Sibling-In-Law! (Ortho & MC)

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That awkward moment when a character's birthday overlaps with your request release date😶

This is a platonic story! There is an element of Idia x MC, but this is not a romance between Ortho and MC because nope!

Happy Birthday Ortho!

You exited Idia's room. A small smile was on your lips - even if your relationship with the flame-haired senior was strictly platonic, your time together still made you feel warm inside. Every time your hands brushed when he passed you the controller or you fed him candy to help his game rage, you had to fight the blush you felt crawling up your neck. Not that it worked - you were lucky the dorms were so hot to blame the redness on.

And that's no even mentioning the times he let you hug him! You felt you were melting each time he did (in a good way). It took all your strength to resist grabbing his face and planting kisses all over it. A giggle escaped your lips - how would he react if you did that? His face would probably match his hair colour!

Distracted, you didn't notice the younger Shroud approaching you until he tapped on your arm. You turned to see Ortho smiling at you (as well as he could with a mouth covering).

"(y/n), are you and Big Brother done for today?" He asked.

You nodded, to which he clasped his hands together. "Can I ask you for a favour, then? It's for Big Brother!"

Even without the mention of Idia, you would've happily helped his robo-brother. Not only was he the one who introduced you to his brother in the first place, your relationship had grown with Ortho to the point that he felt like your little brother as well. Plus, who could say no to such an adorable smile? ...Or facial expression?

You hum in confirmation. "Sure, what do you need?"

Ortho's eyes lit up. "Thank you! Um, it's something I'd like to talk about in private, so please follow me!"

Ortho turned around and moved away, his little rockets going so fast you had to half-run to keep up with him. The two of you walked through the underground maze that was a the Ignihyde dorm, all the way to what could be considered the "back" where all the store rooms and unwanted spare rooms were. Ortho opened the last door of a spare room in the corridor and ushered you in. It was only as you entered the room that you realised how heavily soundproofed the walls were.

You turned to Ortho as he locked the door. "So, what did you need, Ortho?"

The robotic boy didn't reply. His head was down low as he played with the buttons on his arms, mumbling to himself. Your smile faltered.


Suddenly, Ortho rushed towards you, becoming eye-level. He grabbed a hold of your hands tightly. His face was the most serious you'd ever seen.

"Please, Prefect (y/n)," he cried, "become my sibling-in-law!"

You paused. Did he just...? No, you must have misheard him.

"S-Sorry, Ortho!" You laughed nervously. "I didn't hear that right. Could you repeat-"

"Become my sibling-in-law! Please!" Ortho cried again, louder.

So you hadn't misheard him. Huh. Well.

Then you properly processed the words. Become his sibling-in-law... that would mean...

...marry Idia?

A violent blush spread across your cheeks. "W-What?! S-Sibling-in-law?!"

The grasp on your hands became tighter as Ortho nodded. "Yes! Please!"

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