Chapter 7

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Batman: Bad Blood 2014
Chapter 7 - Batman M.I.A.

"Somewhere in between old me and new me, I have lost actual me" - #HiddenFellings

Gotham, at night

Reporter: "In other news, Chuckie Sol, a made man in the Black Mask mob was kidnapped at gunpoint by masked assailants earlier today. Suspicion is high that Sol was a victim of the recent turf war raging between the mob and a new rival gang composed of high-tech Criminal known to have crossed paths with Batman, but and with Red Hood, who hasn't been seen in 3 months."

Screaming of torture is heard in an warehouse near the docks, as the victim is no other then Chuckie Sol, member of Black Mask's gang, as he is tied up and hanging upside down and has a bag on his head.

Sol:" I don't know about any weapon shipment."

He is again striked by the elecitry from the villan known as Electocutioner. Near him are standing Tusk, big monster with two fangs, standing behind Electocutioner with 3 thugs with guns. Then there are Firefly, guy with flamethrower, Hellhound, who wears a dog like mask and the Killer Moth, all of them standing behind Tusk.

Tusk: "You could do better than that, Chuckie. We ain't got all night."

Tusk say as Sol is screaming from torture. In background, we see a person wearing like a bat suit, who jumps on the platform and runs and hides into a gap, as Killer Moth looks there but sees nothing.

Tusk: "Old Electocutioner here gets mighty ticked when someone lies. When it's that weapons shipment due!?"

Tusk yells as Electocutioner sends another way of elecitry at Sol, but then, a batarang comes behind Sol and hits the Electocutioner in the face, as it bounce off behind him and lands on the floor where beeps before it's explodes and a black smoke comes out of it, as it spreads around everyone.

Everyone coughs as the person dressed up in the bat suit dropes infront of them, outside of the smoke.

The unknown bat runs as it grabs one thug into a smoke. Other thugs fires his weapon, but he is shoot by the bat in the leg and falls on the ground.

Electocutioner sees this and gets confused.

Electocutioner: "Wait... Batman doesn't use guns."

???: "Batman doesn't."

Unknown bat takes off it's cape of them, as it reveals that the bat is the female with a red hair and red bat symbol. This female bat is known as Batwoman, as she flips the pistol in her hand.

Batwoman: "But I do."

Then she fires the bullets at the
Electocutioner but he creates a sheild with elecitry, as bullets don't pass it.

Then he runs at her, but she moves out of the way. She dodges his Attack before jumps away, creating a distance between them.

Sol: "I'm just the accountant."

Electocutioner: "Shut it!"

Electocutioner hits him as he shoot elecitry at Batwoman, but she doges as she throws a batrope at Electocutioner which tied him up and she then punches him with elbow to the face, knocking him down.

Then Hellhound attacks her, but she moves out of the way of his attack. They have a hand to hand combact, but Batwoman knees him in the face. But then she is pushed by the Tusk on the ground, then someone punches the Tusk in the face, knocking him on the ground.

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now