Chapter 28

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Red Hood: The Lost Days

Chapter 28 - Necessary Evil

"For most people, its history now.

But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly." - UNKNOWN


Third POV

4 months later, February 2013

Prague, Czechoslovakia, 2:18 pm

The National Theatre is a neo-Renaissance building and a national monument of Czech history and art. It is located in Prague, the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic.

As the Iron Curtain fell during the early 90s, the Czechs and Slovaks remained united as one country, which was a good move, because today they are one of the best European countries according to statistics.

Because of their continued unification, in the last 30 years they had many significant events, such as winning the European Football Championship in 2004, entering the EU in 2000, NATO in 1995 and holding the UN meeting in Prague in 1998 when the war in Kosovo broke out.

Today, the country has advanced so much in industry and economy that last year (2012) it became the eighth member of the G7, which today is called the G8 (or G9 counting plus the Russian Federation).

Right now in Prague, in front of the National Theatre are Shiva and Y/N.

They've been invited by the close associate of Shiva to attend the Orchestra's night of ballet. Well, that's what shiva told Y/N.

They both were wearing appropriate clothes for the event. Shiva wore a long sleeved red jacket with black top underneath, a short brown dress and red heels

Unlike her, Y/N wore the basics: a black tux and black pants.

This was his second time ever wearing the suit, first time being when Bruce took him as his ward.

Y/N hated wearing suits. To him, only rich people wore them to the galas to talk about their rich stuff while people like him were freezing from the cold on the streets.

Knowing this, Shiva did not force him to wear anything fancy and also to not attract any attention from the bat. Y/N also told her that Alfred occasionally watches the orchestra on TV.

They arrived by limousine driven by Rip. He has dropped them at the entrance for VIPs.

Entering the theatre, Y/N could immediately sense something was off with the place. Golden colour dominated the architecture of the building, with floor and gaps on the columns filled with red coloured carpets and tiles.

Y/N was already familiar with golden walls of Wayne Ballroom, but red was typical European style which in Europe was related as a war colour. The colour of blood.

Before Y/N can throw any remark at the place, both of them come to a stop when an old lady walks over to them and greets them. She was about 5"7 in height and had a white bob hair. Shiva tells Y/N she is the owner of the Theatre and oddly, she was only referred to as Mother.

While they were talking, Y/N sensed another thing. Being trained by Batman, he adopted the technique of knowing when you're being watched. Y/N turned to Shiva and studied her.

By holding her body, he found out that she too knew they were being watched, but she tolerated it. Like she knew that would be the case when they arrived. She had a secret and she was keeping it from him.

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