Chapter 30

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Red Hood: Eternal

Chapter 30 - The Theif

"Two damaged people, trying to heal each other is love." - R. H.


July, 2016

Titans Tower, Jump City

Training Room, 8 hours until Y/Ns departure

Raven's POV

Raven: "This is not how I imagined this to go."

I said after being hit again by Y/N with a training stick. It's only just us in the training room, as everyone else already had spared with Y/N on usual "training with Y/N" wednesday. And they all lost. Only ones who escaped his wrath were our mentors, Dick and Kori.

Y/N: "Seriously, you guys need to learn how to not be relying on your powers all the time. "

He said as he dodged my strike with my own stick.

Raven: "I know, but what's with the blindfold thing."

Today's lesson: fighting the enemy while being blindfolded. You may think that's how he won against all the others, but the thing is, he also wears the blindfold on.

Y/N: "Let's say we are in the building and the enemy got you blinded. If you want to use your powers to defend yourself, you might hit the teammate in the process."

He explains to me as again I miss the swing and he hits me in the back.

Raven: "You know we aren't that sloppy."

Bit ironic as I swinged again only for our sticks to collide and him to throw them apart and hit me in the shoulder.

Y/N: "I know and that terrifies me. Instead of the teammates, you would hit the foundation of the building and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. In this case, birds being us and our enemies and stone being the ceiling of starbucks."

He blocks my strike and fastly rolls under another swing that didn't hit the target. Amused by his comment, a small smile creeps onto my face.

Raven: "You really hate that place, don't you?"

I asked him as this time I managed to block 2 of his swings which came from my left side.

Y/N: "With burning passion and every inch of my body. If I had a brother who is a workaholic, never sleeps and drinks black coffee like Bruce, I'm banning him from Starbucks for life. And no refund for his own coffee machine."

I chuckled as we entered the standlock as both of our sticks collided.

Raven: "Says the "No sleep at all" Robin."

I tell him as he breaks the standlock and manages to move out from my push.

Y/N: "I do sleep actually. It is just that I have learned to only need 3 hours of sleep to function properly. Unlike Bruce, who is still babysitted by Alfie to go to bed every 3 days."

I don't know why, but he always makes me laugh, even during fighting enemies, which now cost me letting my guard down.

As I laughed, Y/N swinged at me and hit my jaw, pain spreading throughout the entire left side of my face as I fell onto the ground with a wine. I can feel blood starting to slip onto my down lip.

Y/N: "*smirks* I especially told you about not getting distracted while fighting."

I groan, but don't get up as I hold my jaw.. Suddenly I sense his mood changes from confidence to worry as I hear him start walking towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now