Chapter 24

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Red Hood: The Lost Days
Chapter 24 - Death of Robin

"The first thing they told you about me was how I died." - Darko


You don't know this, but in the next three hours, your life is going to end.

You won't feel the explosion, the splinted wood piercing through your left thigh, the heavy ceiling collapsing on your torso, the burning scorch of flame licking through your body inside out, the pressure of air being forced away from your flaming lung. You will not know any of these.

Because you will still believe HE will come.

Just like always. Just like the last time. Just like the beginning.

You will keep hearing the something break, something snap, something twitch. But you will not know that they are sounds of your own bones being crushed. You will not realize that the pipe hitting dead-on on your body, on your elbows, on your rib cage, on your knees, at the side of your head; they are breaking every joint, every portion, every inch of your bruised form.

You will not know these. Because you will be concentrating on coming up with an appropriate apology to him when he comes barging in, an apology for not being fortunate son, comes running to you, an apology for not being golden boy, picking you up, an apology for not being just like first Robin, and running out of there, an apology for not listening to him, carrying you in his arms, an apology for him meeting you.

You don't know this, but in the next three hours you are going to realize that once you're alone, you're always alone.

And there is no one to save you.

And somewhere in the distance, a boy will cry.

You don't know this, but in the next three hours he will not going to make it. He is not going to come. He is never going to be in time. Never going to be on time.

He will always be late Late LATE LATE
Always a little too late. A tad bit too late for you.

You will want to close your eyes but instead you will open them wide, E/C eyes will stay fix on the ground, fix on the blood, fix on a puddle of blood, YOUR BLOOD, fix on that spot. The spot where you were moments ago. While waiting for him to come, you know he will. He will save the day. Save yourself. Save your soul. This is what he always does. He will always save you from yourself. He will always save you. He has to because no one else will.

You don't know this but in the next three hours, these will all turn into a big fat bundle of lies.

You will get beaten up, blown down, driven through, blasted away. And he will not make it in time.


The last thing you will see is going to be the number, the clock, the device, the bomb. And you will embrace it. Because he will not make it in time.

He will hold your battered, bruised, broken body in his arms, and he will cry. He will cry but he will not understand why, he will not see the big picture, he will not cope. He will only know that you are gone.

That you are never to come back.
Never to open your eyes.
Never to smile again.
Never ever to smile at him.

Never. Ever.

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now