Chapter 4

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Batman: Under the Red Hood 2014
Chapter 4 - Revelation

"Sometimes even the devil on my shoulder asks: What the FUCK are you doing?" - UNKNOWN


Laser could be heared in the batcave as it fires or proccesing on the blood on the katana.

Bruce is sitting in the chair, his hands on bridge of his nose, as he is staring at the computer screen, which is displaying in big red letters 'ANALYZING' and 2 pictures above it.

On Bruce's left side is a picture of the Red Hood and on his right side, a picture of... Y/N Todd.

Then analysis is completed as the other big red letters show and read 'MATCH'.

Bruce moves his hands down as he looks up. Then he hears something fall on the floor. He turns to his right and see Alfred in shock as he has dropped another trey of tea down.

Alfred shocked face turns to sad one as he stares at the screen. Bruce turns back to the screen, with a determined and maybe angry look on his face.

It's night time again in Gotham, as we are back to Black Mask's tower. Currently, there's again another yelling, this time, in Mask's office.

B. Mask: "Son of a... Are you telling me that scumbag stole my guns again!?"

He yelled at his secretary and 4 man behind her, as one furthest on the Mask's left side gulps.

Secretary: "No, sir. He destoyed them. Blew up the truck, the drivers - -"

B. Mask: "Damn it. Of all the... Damn it!"

Mask yells as he slams his fists in the table as he stands up and secretary continues.

Secretary: "Previously, he was just enlisting anyone under our province to come work for him. Now he just seems to be killing them."

B. Mask: "Oh, so now we've got another Batman? One who doesn't mind the blood?"

Secretary: "No, sir, he's no Batman. He's still taking huge cuts from off the streets. But now he's eliminating the competition. He's coming after you."

She finnishs as Black Mask stands upright as he stares at his secretary. Then the one man in the middle of four man on coughs as Mask set his eyes on him for a second.

Then he growls as he manages to flip up a table infront of him and throw it to his right as he walks towards them.

B. Mask: "You wanna tell my why this guy ain't dead!?"

He yells to his secretary face as he passes her.

Secretary: "We're trying. We sent the Fearsome Hand of Four.

Black Mask then hits the man fuhterst on the right in face, knocking him to the ground.

B. Mask: "Four? Guess they're gonna need a New name."

He says as he walks to the man next to him and punches him in the stomach, as he too falls on the ground.

B. Mask: "Why hasn't Batman wiped this little smear off the face of the planet!?

He says throwing his hands in the air, looking at his secretary.

Secretary: "Maybe he doesn't want to. Perhaps he's letting you and the Red Hood War it out. He could be waiting - -"

B. Mask: "To take on the winner!?"

He finneshes her's senttence as he punches third guy in the face too and knocking him out, as the last one is looking at him in the corner of his eye, terrifed.

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now