Chapter 17

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Justice League VS Teen Titans 2015
Chapther 17 - Titans VS The League

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." - WARtime


Portal appears on distant planet with destroyed moon as everybody is now standing, surrounded by broken and old looking ruins and pillars standing or crumbled on the ground

BB: "Safe to say we're not in Kansas anymore."

Gar tried to make a joke as everybody looked around.

Starfire: "It's no star field I recognize. Where are we?"

Kori asked as everyone now focused on Raven.

Raven: "Somewhere my father can't see us."

Raven states as she turns to them.

Robin: "All right, let's hear it."

Raven: "There's so much... I guess it starts with my mom.

She was young, rebellious and gullible. Of course she wound up in a cult. Anyway, they decided to do the classic bride of Satan rite. And guess who go! to be the lucky bride? I doubt anyone expected it to work, but the ancient ceremony turned out to be the real thing. So, Mom, with her great powers of judgment, didn't hesitate to hook up with the guy who emerged from the smoke.

BB: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. So, your mom did it with Satan?"

Gar interupted her as Y/N got the confused look on his face before remembering he's atheist and shurgs.

Raven: "His name is Trigon, but basically, yes."

BB: "But they totally did it."

Gar says as Y/N slaps him (the bitch) in the head.

Red Hood: "That was very inappropriate.

Starfire: "Go on."

Raven: "It gets weirder.

Mom fled the cult and was on the run with nowhere to go, when she gets saved by these people from another dimension. The people of Azarath. A realm of beauty, peace and tranquility where, needless to say, I did not fit in. And I must have inherited my mom's terrible judgment because I thought if I found out more about the monster who made me, I'll be able to make sense of myself."

Raven: "Poor Mother, poor Azarath. I became its Trojan horse. He took me to his hellish universe. I could hardly bear the horrors I saw there."

Starfire: "Why did Trigon want you?"

Kori asks as Raven turned to them.

Raven: "He wanted Earth. He's a conqueror of worlds. But he needs a powerful conduit to open Earth to his control."

Robin: "And you're half human. His way in."

Damian states as they now know why they wanted her at first place.

Raven: "But my magic was stronger than he realized. Before he could use me, I was able to trap him inside a crystal. It should've held him. Perhaps if I had stayed there, it would have. But I wanted a home."

Raven says sadly as she looks down, but then felts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up and sees it was Y/N who put a hand on her shoulder, because like her, he also never had a true home.

Velocity: "Why didn't you go back to Azarath?"

Cayla asks as Raven turned to others.

Raven: "This is Azarath."

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now