Chapter 9

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Batman: Bad Blood 2014
Chapter 9 - Encounter and Shed Blood

"I'm good, but not an Angel,
I do sin, but I am not the devil" - UNKNOWN


Destroyed Warehouse

Batwoman: "He threw me clear and saved my life. But before I could get back up here it blew apart."

Batwoman said as she with Robin, Batman and Red Hood walk across a platform and stop at the end of the platform which has blew up.

Damian: "And we're just supposed to believe that?"

Damian asked, not fully convinced.

Batwoman: "Believe what you want."

She hisses back as she looked at Damian over her shoulder. Damian looks over Dick and Red Hood, who is behind the two.

Damian: "I don't trust her."

He said, not caring if she can hear him.

Red Hood: "Oh, but you did trust Talon."

Red Hood says as he stares at Damian who is taken back at this as Dick looks at Red Hood surprised.

Damian: "Shut up."

Damian responds as he looks back at Batwoman.

Damian: "Who was it? Who were Tusk and Firefly working for?"

Damian interrogated.

Batwoman: "I don't know. But when I find out, I'll drop a note in your lunchbox."

Batwoman snaps back as she turns towards them. Then Dick walks up.

Dick: "If you're serious about hunting them down, then we should work together."

He offered as Red Hood walk closer too.

Batwoman: "Just because I wear this..."

She says as she gestures at the bat symbol on her chest.

Batwoman: "...doesn't mean I'm part of your little cult."

She coldy states as she turns away and jumps, fliping down and uses her cape to glide away.

Damian: "You really have a way with wonen, Grayson."

Damian commented as he walks near the edge near Dick, as their capes flutter in the wind.

Red Hood watches at them from behind at their backs. Then for Split second he gets a flashback of him and Bruce standing in same position as capes flutter in the wind.

He shakes his head as he puts head on it and looks down.

Dick: "You... okay?"

Red Hood looks up and sees as Damian and Dick stare at him, Dick having... concern look on his face?

Red Hood: "Y-yea, yes..."

He lowers his hand.

Red Hood: "Just a... Just a flashback..."

He says as he looks to the side.

Damian: "Are you gonna leave as like she did?"

Damian interrogated now him in roughly tone.

Red Hood: "No. Unlike her, I have to redeem myself to Batman so I'm staying with you until we find him."

He turns his head as he stares at Damian for few seconds before turning and walking away towards the batmobile as Damian and Dick share a look.

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now