Chapter - 14

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Hello Fam :)

Warning: It's long. :)

Happy Reading...

Nandini woke up early in the morning, pressed against a warm body. Though startled initially, she calmed herself down when the previous night's events surfaced in her mind. It was only Manik. She concentrated on his heartbeat again. Manik's actions last night didn't point it out as if he were giving her a divorce. She was lost in her thoughts, absently playing with one of his shirt buttons when she felt Manik shifting beside her. His arm was loosely wrapped around her and Nandini hadn't made any effort to free herself.

"Nandini, I apologize for coming here. You were shivering and-"

His voice was hoarse with sleep and he stopped midway when she lifted her head up to look at him and then put it back on his heart again without a word. "I got scared", she whispered. She didn't know what she would do if at all Manik decided to divorce her. Neither does she have a place to go nor does she have anything left except for a company that's running in losses. That's without considering her the mess that emotions were lately and how she was depending on Manik to keep her head clear.

"I know. I remember", whispered back Manik, caressing her head with one hand as he put the other one below his head.

Maybe he thought she was talking about the thunders but Nandini didn't correct him. Right at this moment beside Manik, it was peaceful and she would choose this in favor of ignoring the whole world any day.

Good morning, love birds.

And there goes her peaceful morning, thought Nandini as Cabir welcomed himself into their room. She didn't bother to lift her head this time and could almost feel the smirk on the younger Malhotra's face but who cares?

"I thought to check if any of you is pregnant again", said Cabir.

Nandini threw a pillow at him in answer. She closed her eyes until it was silent again and drifted to sleep.


When Nandini woke up three hours later, feeling refreshed, she found Manik still sleeping. She chuckled remembering his plan to catch up on his sleep. Looks like her husband had every idea to accomplish the plan. Freeing herself, she got ready without making a noise and went out to find some food.

After coming to the Malhotra house, Nandini hadn't ever stepped inside the kitchen and she wasn't sure if she was allowed to or not. Crossing her fingers, she took a step in and was surprised to find Cabir all alone inside instead of the cooks.

"I am hungry", she declared. Because Cabir was her next safe person after Manik. She didn't really need to have any filter with him even if she didn't understand him half of the time.

"You think I am dancing here? I am hungry too", he said, without turning back.

The familiarity of a brewing fight made her smile. "You didn't have your breakfast?"

"No, I went to sleep again. I was tired."

Nandini sighed. The idiotic Malhotra brothers. "I know. Manik is still sleeping."

Cabir chuckled, shaking his head. "Bhai wouldn't compromise on his sleep. He is like a camel when it comes to his sleep. He would go days without sleep and then sleeps for days when he is done with his work. But I have my priorities. Food is an essential element for the cells inside to breathe."

Nandini rolled her eyes. The guy wasn't even a science student. She glanced at him and wondered if he was collecting the vegetables. There was at least one of a kind that was available in the market. "What are you making?"

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