Bonus Scene - 1

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Hey Fam :)

Because writer can't get enough of her nerd. :P

Also, it's a random idea that popped suddenly. This might have happened sometime before. But no Nandini here. :)

Happy Reading...

"Manik, lunch?"

"Yeah", said Manik, without lifting his head from his screen. "I just need to send this mail and I will be done for the day, hopefully."

"Are you unwell?", asked Meera.

"I am fine", he muttered and punched a few keys before sending the email to his mom. He then turned to Meera, standing up and stretching his limbs. "Meera, if you don't mind, I want to have my lunch alone today."

"Okay. Are you really fine?", she asked again.

"Yeah, totally", he assured.

After collecting their food, Manik chose a table at the corner and opened the book he couldn't finish last night.


Nyonika was surprised when a notification popped up on her desktop. It was the office email and she didn't remember asking anyone to mail her before lunch. Hence, she rolled her eyes when she found her darling son with an attachment to his work that he was supposed to submit by the end of the day or the next day. He was up to something because she hardly had a conversation more than fifteen minutes at a time during the past three days. Thus instead of having her lunch in her cabin like every day, she decided to go to the canteen and have her lunch with her 'staff'.

It wasn't surprising when she went there and found Manik sitting alone on a table instead of his usual friend Meera with a book in his hand and his food untouched. All the employees, except her beloved son, have stiffened to alert on seeing her. One of the reasons she preferred to have her lunch in her cabin is because they walk on eggshells around her. She agreed it was her fault and it never bothered her before but now she missed having lunch with her son. She could ask him to have lunch with her but it would be keeping him away from mingling with his colleagues and she promised both herself and Cabir that she wouldn't coddle him again before he joined the office. Occasionally was fine.

She glared playfully at every employee into silence before taking her seat in front of Manik, who has his head hunched over his book and didn't even notice her presence. Nyonika pulled his plate towards her and started eating, expecting at least a surprise on his face but the boy was totally immersed in his book. She noticed the rest all hiding a laugh looking at them. It was half an hour and the lunch break was almost over when she finished eating and banged her hand on the table, startling the boy in front of her. He dropped his book in reflex before glancing at her. If she wasn't trying to scare her son with her glare, she would have laughed at the way his eyes widened comically.

"I have sent the work to your email", he said, defensively, hesitancy and fear lingering in his voice.

"I have seen that", she said, without faltering her glare. "Had your lunch?"

He nodded positively and when she continued to stare at him, he glanced down, found it was empty, and faked a smile. "Mom, look, the plate is empty."

Nyonika crossed her arms. "Okay, enough of your 'trying very hard to lie and failing' drama. Put your book down and meet me outside. I am taking you out for lunch."

"Mom, what's the need? It's fine. I will get another plate", said Manik.

"And get lost in your book again? I am not listening to you, kid", said Nyonika. "You are having lunch with me and then going home to take a rest since you have already submitted your work being a machine to sneak into your book."

"Mom", he protested.

The lady just rolled her eyes and grabbed his book. Manik followed her eventually.

As I said, if I am getting any random ideas, I will put them in here. :P

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