Chapter - 23

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Hello Fam :)

Warning: Have fun :P

Happy Reading...

Nandini was getting ready for shopping. She had just woken up when Nyonika came to inform her about their day out before the wedding. She was freaking out internally since then.

"You look off. Is everything okay?", asked Manik.

"I am having a day out with the Nyonika Malhotra. I don't know what to expect", she told. She might be a cool mom but she was still the scary businesswoman she grew up looking up to.

Manik laughed. "For a reason, I know she hates shopping. You too. I don't know why she wants to take you out for it when she can call the designer home." He walked towards her and cupped her face. "You will be fine."

For a moment, she thought he would kiss her head but he changed the position of his head midway and wrapped his hands around her neck for a brief hug. Nandini might be overthinking but she felt as if Manik was avoiding her, at least the physical contact. She shook her head because he was smiling at her. She might be crowding his personal space or just simply overthinking.




Cabir smirked at Manik, smiling innocently as he talked to Nandini. He doesn't know what was coming his way. "Good morning, partners."

Manik rolled his eyes. "Morning, kid. Up with the drama already?"

"Is she rubbing off on you? You have been bolder in your comments", he told. He loved the new Manik. He loved every shade of his brother that Nandini managed to bring out of him. He was in love with their love. Except for these idiots who refuse to acknowledge their love. Not to worry because in the grand scheme of their events, Nyonika Malhotra was playing the cameo cupid and once the ball is in her court, the lady would make sure it's a goal.

"She has been an influence ever since I came to India. Don't think there's anything new there."

"Okay, kids. Stop fighting", said Nyonika. "Cabir, you said you have something important to tell me."

"Yeah. Manik and I are taking a week's leave for the wedding", he told casually and counted till five for his brother to react.

"A week? Why?", he asked.

"Because it's your best friends wedding."

"Okay. I wouldn't force you but I can juggle between the ceremonies. I would lose my mind over there", told Manik.

Cabir smirked and forwarded the signed papers of their application. "I have submitted both our applications with Meera already."

"But when did I sign?", asked his brother.

Before he could say anything, Nandini burst out laughing. "I knew you were plotting something when you asked him to sign at the last moment. I shouldn't have ignored that smirk either."

Manik gaped at the two of them when he realized the rare moment where he signed a paper without reading them. Trust laced with love is betraying sometimes. "Nandini, stop encouraging him", he told her before openly glaring at his brother. "And you, when would you stop plotting against me?"

Cabir shrugged. "Not plotting. Taking care of my brother from becoming even more workaholic nerd than he already was. Seriously, it's your best friends wedding. It's okay to take a break. Live a little, nerd." Since he was done with his breakfast, on his way out, he ruffled Manik's hair, dropped a kiss to his head, and grabbed the car keys from the table. "The company could manage not to fall down without your presence for a week, Manik. Before you decide to overthink this, I am almost done with the pending works and we can finish the remaining today. Also, instructed Meera to handle it for a week."

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