Chapter -25

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Hello Fam :)

A/N -1 - For all the people who said they don't need 'the kiss' because it might make Manik uncomfortable, I love you for the care you are showing to our boy. I have never had another character where people cared about them this much. 

Warning: ~ 6700 words of Manan trying to be sensible for once. They are stumbling on their new path of sanity but it's okay. We are patient until our babies recover their brains. :P

A/N -2- This is a rollercoaster of a chapter. I don't know if it's up to the mark or not but let me know. 

Dedicated to timepass72 . You would know the reason when you read the chapter. :)

Happy Reading...

Nandini and Mukti were sorting out the outfits for all the ceremonies to make sure everything was ready as per the instructions of both the mothers of the bride and groom. Surprisingly, it was Ishita who was fretting over Mukti more than Mukti's own mother. When asked, Mrs. Vardhan laughed out.

"I stopped bothering to give her instructions for years now. She would do whatever she likes and it's in favor of world peace to let her do it", she said. There might be differences between them in the past but this comment was more teasing Mukti for being so carefree.

Mukti, on the other hand, stuck her tongue out at her mother and hugged Ishita. "Ishu, even without all these stupid outfits, I am still coming to your house as your daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Vardhan slapped her head. "Ishu? That's inappropriate, Mukti."

"Let it be. They have been calling me that since they were kids. Won't change it overnight", said Ishita, pulling Mukti slightly away from her mother, before turning to Mukti. "And you? You have been the daughter of this house for a long time. The outfits would announce it to everyone. So, try not to create havoc during any of the ceremonies. My son is close to losing his mind already."

"I seriously don't know what's wrong with him. He is behaving as if this is an arranged marriage and I am a stranger."

Nandini snorted. "On the contrary, I think he is behaving as if his life depended on you and he is scared to mess up even if it's a simple task of breathing."

Mukti grinned at her. Having someone who loves you that much can result in such a reaction, thought Nandini, fighting a smile.

"Are you sure I can't meet him and put some sense in his head?", asked Mukti to both the ladies.

According to some absolute stupid tradition, these two were kept apart, and right before the wedding without having his girl's reassurance, Abhimanyu is really not in a good position, though Manik is doing a better job at keeping him sane.

Ishita grimaced at the sweet smile on Mukti's face and tilted her head towards Mrs. Vardhan. "I have been a victim of that face for a long time. Do you think you can resist that?"

Mrs. Vardhan chuckled and pulled Ishita towards her. "I think that's our cue to leave. Nandini, I hope you will keep her in line."

"I can try but it's Mukti. No guarantees there", said Nandini, winking at her best friend.

Once the ladies left the room, Mukti battled her eyelashes. "Do you seriously think I can't meet Abhimanyu to have a talk? I really don't want him to combust with nervousness during our wedding day."

Nandini chuckled. "Tomorrow is your Haldi. You will be meeting him. If not, I can arrange something tomorrow. And then there's sangeet. Don't worry. You will find him before the wedding. Or he will magically find himself in this room because he had a nightmare involving me this time."

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