Chapter - 27

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Hello Fam :)

I haven't edited it. I will do it later.

Warning: Nandini dealing with some Malhotra stupidity. Also, love-sick idiots again. :P

Happy Reading...

Nandini saw Manik's text saying he went to court. Even though she wanted to accompany him, talking to her best friends was important too. She sighed. She missed her husband. If she had known confessing her love to him would turn her into a love-sick teenager, she wouldn't have done that. Who was she kidding? She would turn into a ridiculous clown if she got Manik in her life. Instead of further torturing herself from her own reasoning, she went to find the lady responsible for all this mess.

Nyonika was in her given room, going through a magazine when Nandini entered. Even though she was initially reluctant to stay at the Thakkar house, Raman had convinced her to stay there. He respected the lady but then everyone did. "I blame you for messing up my mind", said Nandini, barging in.

"Ahan, my darling daughter", said Nyonika, smirking and putting her magazine aside. "To what to do I owe this privilege of being accused. Is this anything related to my son going to court?"

"You manipulated me into behaving recklessly and I did and now I have a husband who was mine all along", she told, barely hiding a grin.

Glad to be acknowledged.

Nandini turned around to find Cabir there. She rolled her eyes but the younger twin wrapped his arms around her and she hugged him tighter. "Thank you", she told him and then to her mother-in-law.

Nyonika brushed her off. "I am happy you found each other at the end."

She smiled. "Yeah. Hey, I don't want to be a pessimist but it feels like it's too easy."

"What?", asked Nyonika.

"After everything we have gone through, I told Manik I love him and he said he loved me too, and just like that we are together. Is this supposed to be that easy?", she asked.

Cabir chuckled but Nyonika cupped her cheek, brushing her thumb there. "Love is the simplest thing, Nandini. I understand your parents never made you feel it was this easy but trust me it is. It's what keeps us going."

"And you are right", interrupted Cabir. "Manik's brain sometimes works complicatedly and you don't know what's going inside. Just to be on the safe side, look for any panic attacks."

Nandini nodded. Because she knew Manik and he didn't accept things without a round of questioning. The ladies spent the time talking after Cabir slipped out of the room giving some stupid excuse. Nandini let him be. She had a plan and it was arriving tomorrow. Until then, she wouldn't bother the younger Malhotra.


Manik's panic attack surfaced earlier than Nandini had imagined. It was early in the morning and Nandini and Mukti were lazing on the bed, before having to start the day when there was a knock on the door. She frowned looking at the time. It wasn't even seven. Groaning, Nandini went to open the door when Mukti refused to open it saying since it was a knock, it was Manik and asked her to deal with her husband herself.

"Every knock doesn't mean it's Manik, Mukti", retorted Nandini.

"So? I have a good point and I get to sneak in some extra minutes of sleep", muttered the bride, stuffing her face on her pillow.

Nandini rolled her eyes and went to open the door. She was surprised to find it was really Manik, who was still in his pajamas but there was an alarmed look on his face. "Is everything okay, Manik?"

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