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It was early in the afternoon the following day when Dr

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It was early in the afternoon the following day when Dr. Potts cleared Rose to go home with Fleur and Dulce. He was pleased when everything was looking good for not just the babies, but Rose as well. Poppy made sure to explain how to take care of the twins to Rose and Willy. She went through everything from feeding, changing diapers, bathing, and putting them down for bed.

Rose and Willy both had to admit that they were feeling quite nervous. From this day forward, they were now responsible for the two little human beings that they were now holding in their arms. Poppy could sense how nervous the new parents were.

"I know you two are nervous," Poppy started her pep talk. "But everything is going to be fine. You're going to be amazing parents. And if you guys ever find yourselves needing a bit of help, you've got family and friends there to support you, and you can always give me a call"

"Thank you, Poppy," Rose said. When Dr. Potts returned to the Puppet Hospital, he was with Mr. and Mrs. Bucket and pushing a wheelchair forward. "Dr. Potts, I'm fine. You said so yourself. I don't need to be pushed"

"I know, but it's standard procedure for if you delivered at the hospital. And it's only the day after. I don't want you overexerting yourself" Dr. Potts explained.

Rose sighed in defeat. She sat down in the chair while still holding Dulce in her arms. Mr. Bucket moved behind her, grabbing the handlebars of the chair. Rose quirked her head up to look at her father, smiling at him. Mr. Bucket returned his daughter's smile, patting her on the shoulder.

"Is there anything else before they head on home?" Mr. Bucket asked Dr. Potts.

"Not unless Rose or Willy have any questions?" Dr. Potts asked, looking between the two Wonkas.

"I don't" Rose shook her head. She looked at Willy. "Do you, cocoa bean?"

"Nope," Willy answered. "I'm just ready to get you, and our jellybean and gumdrop home"

"Me too" Rose agreed. 

With that, Dr. Potts and Poppy said their goodbyes to the Wonkas and the Buckets. An Oompa-Loompa came by and escorted the Potts out of the factory. 

"Are you ready to head home, dears?" Mrs. Bucket asked her daughter and son-in-law. "Get the two little darlings home for a nap?"

Willy came over to stand by Rose. He held Fleur in one arm, and the other reached down so that he could take Rose's hand. He squeezed it and then brought it up to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. "Let's head home, starshine"


Mr. Bucket pushed Rose all the way to the Garden Room, where Rose and Willy's small home waited. "Here we are," Mr. Bucket said, halting the chair to a stop. "Home sweet home"

Rose couldn't help but giggle when her father said that, only because of how literal the meaning was. I mean, the Wonka house was literally in a garden filled with cotton candy trees, chocolate roses, and minty grass.

The Chocolatier's Rose {Willy Wonka}Where stories live. Discover now