Inviting Dr Wonka

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The elevator landed in front of Dr Wonka's home

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The elevator landed in front of Dr Wonka's home. It was just Rose and Willy this time around, since they had dropped Charlie back off at the factory. Hand-in-hand, the couple walked up the steps. Rose reached forward and rang the doorbell.

"Are you alright, cocoa bean?" Rose asked her fiancé. "I can feel you squeezing my hand"

"I'm okay, starshine" Willy assured her. "It's just," He paused to swallow a nervous lump in his throat. "It's only my second time seeing him...and...what if he doesn't want to come to the wedding?"

"Of course he'll want to come" Rose told him. "Even if he doesn't, it's not going to be the end of the world, is it?"

"No, it won't be" Willy agreed with her. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Thank you, Rose. You always know what to say"

The door opened and Dr Wonka appeared. He saw who was at his doorstep and he smiled. "Willy, Rose, what a nice surprise" He greeted them.

"Hi dad"

"Hi Dr Wonka"


Willy and Rose settled in Dr. Wonka's office as they waited for him. He had something that he needed to take care of before talking to them. The two of them didn't mind though. They enjoyed being in just each other's company.

"Starshine?" Willy spoke up. Rose turned her head to look at him. "I know we said we were going to wait until we get home, but we're just waiting right now. Can I talk to you about it now?"

"What's on your mind, cocoa bean?" Rose asked, giving him her full undivided attention.

"While you were out with Priscilla, I had an important talk with Patricia and Charlie. It's been something that's weighing on my mind a lot recently, but they helped me figure it out. And now, it's something that I need to talk with you about"

"I'm listening" Rose urged. She grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together and gave it a squeeze. "You can tell me anything" She noticed how the smile on his face dropped into a worried frown. "Cocoa bean, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared to tell you" Willy confessed. "Patricia and Charlie told me I shouldn't be, but I still am"

"Oh, Willy" Rose comfortingly cooed to him. She let go of his hand and cupped his face. "You never need to be scared to tell my anything, my love. As long as you're honest with me, okay?" She leaned in a pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "Besides, I have something I want to tell you too, but I'm scared too"

"What would you be so scared to tell me, starshine?" Willy asked. Now it was his turn to cup her face. "I could never never ever get mad at you! You're my perfect angel" And then he kissed her like she had kissed him. "If I tell you what I'm thinking, will you tell me what you're thinking?"

"Of course" Rose nodded.

Looks like whatever they were going to tell each other was going to have to wait because Dr Wonka joined them. "Sorry to keep you two waiting" He apologized to the two of them. "I had something that needed to be taken care of right away"

The Chocolatier's Rose {Willy Wonka}Where stories live. Discover now