Dr Wilbur Wonka and Another Offer

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The elevator landed in the middle of nowhere

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The elevator landed in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that was there was a lonesome building. Willy, Rose, and Charlie stepped out of the elevator, and met with the bitter coldness of the snow.

Rose looked over at Willy. He looked uncomfortable, nervous and scared. She grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Everything will be alright, Willy" She promised him. "Charlie and I are right by your side"

"Thank you, starshine" Willy said, giving her a small smile. Rose didn't want to, but she let go of his hand, to wrap her arms around her body. It was colder here than it was at home, and all Rose had to wear was a thin and torn wedding dress. Her poor legs got the worst of it though. Willy looked at her and noticed how much she was shivering. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes" Rose managed through chattering teeth. "Although, maybe I should have kept the torn part of the dress as a shawl or something"

"But then what would keep your poor little legs warm?" Willy asked. He took off his black fur coat, and draped it over Rose. She hummed in content when she felt the warmth from it enveloping her body. "Better?"

"But won't you be cold now?"

"Don't worry about me. I just want you to be warm" By this point, they had reached the lonesome house. The three of them walked up the stairs. "I think we've got the wrong house" Willy said before looking at the plaque next to the door. Dr Wilbur Wonka, D.D.S Dental Practitioner. Willy made a face and turned his head away. Rose reached for Willy's hand again.

Charlie rang the doorbell. When the door opened, it revealed an older gentleman, with white hair and beard, wearing a matching white dental coat and glasses. This was Dr Wilbur Wonka. He stared down at the three strangers at his doorstep. "You have an appointment?"

"No, but he's overdue" Charlie answered.


Willy sat in the dentist chair. Dr Wonka then lowered the chair, so that he could examine Willy's mouth. "Open" Dr Wonka instructed. Willy, slowly and unsurely, opened his mouth. "Now, let's see what the damage is, shall we?" Dr Wonka started his examination.

"Rosie, look on the wall" Charlie whispered to his sister. Her gaze followed the direction of Charlie's pointing finger.

"Oh my..." She muttered.

Her and Charlie walked on over the wall. Dr Wonka had framed newspaper articles all about Willy and his chocolate factory. There was also a framed photo on the stand, who Rose presumed was of a young Willy. There was also a scrapbook with more newspaper articles and clippings, and even some candy wrappers.

Rose smiled to herself. All these years, Willy's father was truly proud of him.

"Heavens," Dr Wonka gasped. "I haven't seen bicuspids like these since...since..." He slowly pulled the tools out of Willy's mouth. Dr Wonka's eyes were wide in surprise when he realized just who this patient was. "Willy?"

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