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Fair warning, it gets just a little spicy at the end of this chapter, but nothing too caliente yet

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Fair warning, it gets just a little spicy at the end of this chapter, but nothing too caliente yet.

Lucy took Jenny home to pack a bag for the night, and then she took her right back to the factory. Rose and Charlie both waited outside for her. Jenny excitedly ran up to both of them, and gave them big hugs. After, she turned to her sister and gave her a hug.

"Now, Jenny, you be good alright?" Lucy told her sister. "And you do whatever Rose and Willy ask you to do, okay?"

"I will" Jenny promised.

"And if anything is wrong, please tell them. If you get the nightmares again--"

"I will tell them" Jenny assured her.

Lucy smiled and hugged her. "Oh, I hope you have fun tonight! Now, I need to talk with Rose, alright?" Jenny nodded and went over to go stand by Charlie. Rose stepped forward so Lucy could talk to her. "Rose, this is Jenny's first time spending the night away from home"

"Don't worry, Lucy" Rose said, placing her hand on her shoulder. "We'll make sure Jenny is comfortable"

"Good" Lucy nodded. "But there is something you need to know" She let out a shaky breath. "It's about our parents..." Rose wasn't blind to see the tears swelling in Lucy's eyes. "There was an accident. It was their anniversary trip, and they took a trip to Spain..."

"Lucy, you don't have to..."

"No, no. I need to tell you" Lucy continued. "They spent two weeks there. Mom called the night before they were to fly home, said she and dad really missed us and that they couldn't wait to see us again. Jenny and I got up real early the morning they were supposed to come home. Made them a special breakfast. Then, that's when the news report came on. A plane had exploded. It was the plane they were on..."

Rose just stared at Lucy, trying to process what she had just told her. After a moment of silence, Rose finally said something. "I'm so sorry that happened, Lucy"

Lucy smiled a strained smile. "It took Jenny months to accept the fact that they were gone. Every night, she'd come crying to me, asking when mommy and daddy were coming home. I didn't know what else to tell her, except "Soon. They'd be home soon" Then I always felt guilty because I didn't take the time to grieve. But, I couldn't, because I needed to be there for Jenny"

At that point, Lucy broke down into tears, and Rose brought her into a tight hug. "It's okay, Lucy" The two friends stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Thank you, Rose" Lucy said, calming down from her tears. "We've both accepted the fact that they're gone, but Jenny gets nightmares sometimes. If she does get them, there's a song that makes her feel better. It's one mom used to sing us to sleep with"

"Tell me the song, and I'll sing it as many times as I need to" Rose said.

Lucy smiled, relieved knowing that her sister will be in good care tonight.

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