There's Something About Rose

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In the course of two days, Rose had barely seen Charlie or Willy

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In the course of two days, Rose had barely seen Charlie or Willy. Of course, she did see Charlie during meals, but as soon as he was finished eating, he'd quickly run out of the house. She'd ask her parents about it, but all they did was shrug. Though, they had knowing grins on their faces. Obviously, if Charlie was up to something, Mr and Mrs Bucket knew something about it.

"I know you all know something" Rose accused her parents, as she was helping her mother and Grandpa Joe with the dishes. Mrs Bucket did the washing, Rose did the drying, and Grandpa Joe put the clean dishes away.

"I'm telling you, dear. We don't know what Charlie is up to" Mrs Bucket said.

"Oh, alright" Rose gave up on trying to pry for information. "It's just been two days I've barely seen Charlie, and even Willy. I miss them both" She frowned at that.

"Well tomorrow is your birthday" Grandpa Joe said, trying to perk up Rose. "I'm sure you'll see both of them tomorrow. They wouldn't forget about you on your birthday"

"I suppose you're right, Grandpa" Rose agreed with him.

"Darling, since it's your birthday tomorrow, you get to pick what kind of feast we have" Mrs Bucket said. She gave her daughter some money. Just enough that she could buy a whole feast. "Why don't you head to market? Pick out whatever you like"

"Thanks, mum" Rose said, giving Mrs Bucket a kiss on the cheek. "Do you suppose it's alright if I invite my friends over for dinner tomorrow?"

"I suppose that'd be alright" Mrs Bucket nodded. "We can set up a table and eat out in the meadow"

"Wonderful!" Rose cheered. She slipped on her jacket and gave all her grandparents kisses on the cheeks. "I'll be back in an hour or two" And with that, Rose was out the door.

"That girl is going to have the most wonderful day tomorrow!" Grandma Georgina said happily.


Rose stopped by the pie shop to see if one of her friends wished to come to the market with her. Plus, she did need to invite them to dinner for tomorrow evening. She had to enter through the back as the shop was closed for inventory day.

"Rose! My dear!" Mrs Mason was the first to greet her.

"Hello, Mrs Mason" Rose greeted back. The others greeted her too, busy with their current tasks.

"It's a big day tomorrow. Your birthday no less!" Mrs Mason said. "And I'm working on something very special for you. I just need to make sure you'll be by tomorrow to pick it up"

Rose knew that Mrs Mason was talking about the cake. "Actually, why don't you bring it by the factory tomorrow evening, and join my family, Willy and I for dinner tomorrow?"

"Really? You want me to join you for dinner?" Mrs Mason's heart warmed at the gesture. "I would love to my, dear"

"In fact, all of you are invited for dinner!" Rose said to the others.

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