The Big Day

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Three Months Later

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Three Months Later

The day had finally come. It was the wedding day. The ceremony was only an hour away. Rose was in the Bucket house with Mrs Bucket, Priscilla, and Eleanor helping her get ready. Though, she had to be blindfold to come to the house so she couldn't see how the meadow was decorated. Priscilla wanted her to be surprised when she walked down the aisle. Her grandparents were also there with her, and Lucy was about to arrive with the dress. 

Rose's hair was already curled and pinned back. Her makeup was done as well, but there wasn't too much of it. Not even for a day as big as this did Rose like to wear too much. She just settled for some eyeliner, mascara, a light pink blush to her cheeks, and of course, her signature cherry red lips.

"It's your big day, dear" Mrs Bucket said. She grabbed her daughter's hands. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, I'm nervous" Rose admitted.

"That's completely normal" Mrs Bucket assured her. "Everyone gets nervous on the day of their wedding. But everything is going to be okay. The most important part about today is the fact that you're marrying someone you love and who loves you"

At that moment, Lucy walked in with a large bag in hand, no doubt containing Rose's wedding dress. Today would be her first time seeing the dress. "It's the day today!" Lucy sang happily. "And I have no doubts that I made you the perfect dress"

"Let's see it!" Rose urged excitedly. Lucy unzipped the bag and the sweet smell of the cotton candy immediately filled the room.

"It certainly smells wonderful" Grandma Josephine commented.

"And it's going to look even more so!" Grandpa Joe added.

Lucy dragged the zipper down until it reached the end of its track. Carefully, she removed the bag and it dropped to the ground, revealing the beautiful pink dress. Everyone let out a gasp. "I'm guessing you all like it then?" Lucy guessed.

"Oh, it's beautiful Lucy!" Eleanor said. "And it's made completely out of cotton candy?"

"Down to the last seam" Lucy confirmed. She looked to Rose, waiting for her feedback on the dress. "So Rose, what do you think?"

"Oh, it's perfect" Rose said. She reached out to touch the dress. It was soft to the touch. "How did you make it?"

"With great dedication" Lucy answered. "But the most important part was the preservation process. Thanks to that, the dress will never dissolve or go bad. It'll last forever"

"Are you ready to put it on, dear?" Mrs Bucket asked.

"I am" Rose nodded.

"It's pretty easy to slip on" Lucy explained. "Then it just needs to be laced up in the back to make sure it's on tight"

"Alright. I'll help you with it" Mrs Bucket said. She waved her hand at Priscilla. "Why don't you help me, dear?"

"Sure thing" Priscilla nodded. She joined Rose and Mrs Bucket in the corner of the room. Mrs Bucket then pulled a curtain forward to give her daughter privacy. Priscilla and Mrs Bucket let Rose undress out of her normal clothes first.

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