The Golden Tickets

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It proved to be a quiet day at Mrs

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It proved to be a quiet day at Mrs. Mason's Magical Pies. Since there were no customers currently in the dining room, Rose helped Mrs. Mason with the pies. Mrs. Mason worked on the dough, while Rose put in the fillings and put the pies in the oven.

"Don't you think it's strangely quiet, Mrs. Mason?" Rose pondered, making the woman look over at her. "I know it's not the busiest place on earth, but we usually have a customer or two? Where is everyone?"

"I'm not sure, dear" Mrs Mason shrugged. "But I tell you, on my way here, I saw that the candy store was awfully busy today. Busier than usual"

Rose giggled and shook her head. "So, people would rather fill on candy bars rather than your magical pies?"

"Would seem so, my dear" Mrs Mason smiled at her, and then went back to rolling out some dough.

The bell chimed, indicating a customer, and an excited voice immediately followed. Rose immediately recognized it as Charlie's voice. "Rose! Rose!"

"In the kitchen!" Rose called out to her brother. Charlie entered the kitchen. "What's got you all excited, Charlie?"

"You need to come see this, Rosie" Charlie said, grabbing onto Rose's hand, but he didn't dare start tugging her arm. Despite all the excitement coursing through his veins. "You're going to like this, Rosie, I promise you!"

Rose glanced over at Mrs Mason, silently asking if she could be excused to go with Charlie. Mrs Mason smiled and waved her hand. "You go ahead, dear. I'll be fine"

"Thanks, Mrs Mason" Rose smiled, removing her apron before letting Charlie guide her outside. He brought her over to a lamp post where people were crowding around it. The reason for this was because there was a poster stuck to it.

Dear People of the World,

I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. In addition, one of these children shall receive a prize beyond anything you could ever imagine. Five golden tickets have been hidden under the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars. These five candy bars may be anywhere. In any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world

A big smile appeared on Rose's face. "Charlie! Do you know what this means!?" She asked excitedly, giving Charlie a big hug. "Oh, I promise you Charlie! I will stop at nothing, and get you as many Wonka bars as I can, until you find that golden ticket!"

Charlie smiled at Rose, knowing that his sister meant every word. He knew that she was always trying to save up a little extra. And she always spent that little extra on Charlie. The two of them returned to the cafe. "Mrs Mason, you'll never believe it!" Rose began, a big smile on display. "Mr. Wonka is letting people into his factory. He's hidden these golden tickets in his bars, and--" Rose stopped she saw that Mrs Mason looked upset about something. Rose looked at Charlie and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Charlie, do you mind sweeping up in the kitchen while I talk to Mrs Mason privately?"

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