Moving In Together

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After dinner and when Rose's friends made their way home for the night, Rose immediately packed a bag of clothes and personal belongings she wanted to bring with her to the house she was moving into with Willy

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After dinner and when Rose's friends made their way home for the night, Rose immediately packed a bag of clothes and personal belongings she wanted to bring with her to the house she was moving into with Willy.

Charlie wasn't going to lie. He was sad that he was losing his roommate, but he also knew that she was still living within the factory so he would still be seeing her everyday.

"I'm really going to miss you, Rosie" Charlie said.

"Oh, Charlie" Rose cooed, pulling her little brother into a hug. "I'm still going to be in the factory. I'll
make sure to stop by the house everyday, and you can come see me at mine and Willy's house"

"I know" Charlie said. He looked up at his sister with a smile. "But still. I'm really going to miss hearing you sing yourself to sleep at night. I enjoy hearing you sing"

"Thank you, Charlie. I'm going to miss you too" Rose gave Charlie a kiss on the top of his head before letting him go. Once she had everything she wanted packed up, Charlie helped her carry her bags down the ladder.

"Well, Buckets" Rose said, taking a deep breath. "I suppose this is goodbye. Well, not really goodbye, I'll still be seeing you all everyday, but—"

"We know what you mean, darling" Mrs Bucket said. She gave her daughter a hug. "I knew this day would eventually come. I just never expected it so soon"

"The day our little girl finally moves out" Mr Bucket said.

"Dad, I'm twenty-six. Not exactly a little girl anymore" Rose said to her father.

"I know, but no matter how old you are, you'll always be our little girl" And with that, Mr Bucket hugged Rose.

And last, but certainly not least, Rose said goodbye to all her grandparents. She gave them all hugs and kisses on their cheeks.

"We'll miss you, Rose" Grandpa Joe said.

"We know you and Willy will be very happy living together" Grandma Josephine said.

"But don't you go forgetting about us" Grandpa George said.

"As long as you're happy, Rose. That's all that matters!" Grandma Georgina said.

"I love you all!" Rose said to her family. "And don't worry, Grandpa George" She winked at her grandfather. "I would never forget about you guys. I'll make sure to visit every day" There was a knock on the door. Rose answered it, finding an Oompa-Loompa waiting on the other side. She smiled down at him. "You must be here to escort me"

The Oompa-Loompa nodded at her with a smile. "Thank you" She said to the little man. She picked up her bags, and looked back at her family one more time.

"Goodbye, Rose!" They all said, waving to her.

"Goodbye, Buckets!" She said. Rose stepped out of the house. She followed the Oompa-Loompa to her garden. The garden where Willy was waiting in that small house for her. The house where they would officially start their lives together.

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