First Morning

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Willy woke up before Rose that following morning

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Willy woke up before Rose that following morning. That was the best sleep he had ever had and it was all because of his starshine. Willy didn't want to wake her up yet. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she was sleeping. He simply admired her. Gently, her caressed her face and stroked her soft skin.

"Rose," He whispered her name softly. "My beautiful, beautiful, Rose" He saw her lips slightly twitch into a smile. His gaze lingered on her lips, wanting to wake her up with a kiss. Willy smirked slightly, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.

Rose was now awake but she didn't open her eyes yet. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Willy and pulled him closer to him so that their bodies were pressed against one another.

Willy pulled away from Rose slightly to greet her. "Good morning, starshine"

Rose smiled at him, bringing her hands up to cup his face. "The Earth says hello" She greeted him in return. They quickly went back to kissing.

It was becoming more and more heated, with Willy eventually taking control and rolling them both over so that Rose was laying on her back, and he was hovering above her.

"Willy..." Rose breathlessly said when his lips left hers.

"Starshine..." He spoke in that same breathless way. He began kissing her along her jaw and down her neck. "I love you" He mumbled against her skin. "I love you so much"

"I love you too" She purred back to him, her eyes closed in bliss. Rose was absolutely loving this affection.

And Willy, he was loving it too. He used to hate any sort of affection, but then he met Rose and that's all he ever wanted. Though, he only wanted it from her, and he wanted to give every bit of affection back to her.

Suddenly, Rose made a noise that she only ever made when she tasted the most heavenly treats. It happened when Willy kissed a particular spot on her neck. She couldn't help but let out a moan. Her eyes opened wide in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry..." She mustered out. "I didn't mean to... it's just... you were... and I..."

"It's okay, starshine" Willy told her. He wasn't going to lie. He loved the sound that came out of her mouth. It sent shivers down his spine.

"Perhaps we should slow down at a bit..." Rose suggested. "I'm in no hurry to.... you know.... do that"

"I understand, Rose. Neither am I" Willy agreed, giving her a smile. The two of them sat up. Willy grabbed Rose's hands and ran his thumbs along the back of them. "Besides, when we do decide to... you know, I want it to be special"

Rose nodded. "Me too" She kissed him on the cheek. "I'll make us breakfast. Anything you want in particular, my handsome cocoa bean?"

"Surprise me, my beautiful starshine!" Willy said, kissing her on the cheek in return. "I'm sure I'll love whatever you cook up!" He got up and was about to leave the room to give Rose some privacy so she could get dressed.

The Chocolatier's Rose {Willy Wonka}Where stories live. Discover now