Wedding Planning: The Cake

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For their next stop, it was off to Mrs Mason's house

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For their next stop, it was off to Mrs Mason's house. The woman was an extremely talented baker (proven by her magical pies) so she was the obvious choice to bake the cake. Her kitchen window was open and a sweet aroma came through it.

"Mmm!" Willy hummed in delight when he noticed the smell. "Something smells wonderful!"

"It's coming from over there" Charlie said, pointing to the window. The three of them walked over to the window. They looked inside to see both Mrs Mason and Priscilla working hard in the kitchen.

"Mrs Mason! Cilla!" Rose called to their attention.

Priscilla turned around first. She had flour dusted on her face. "Oh, hello Rose, Willy, and Charlie!"

"Hello my dears!" Mrs Mason greeted them. She was also covered in flour but unlike Priscilla, she just had it on her apron. "Please, come on in you three. The door is open"

Rose, Willy and Charlie went to the front door, opened it up and made their way inside into the kitchen. "Whoa" Rose said when stepping foot into the room. "It's a mess in here!"

There were dirty dishes filling the sink, the counters were dusted with flour and crumbs, and on the table stood a many array of cakes, all different flavours.

"Yes it is, but all for a good reason" Mrs Mason said with a smile as she began stirring a bowl of melted chocolate. "Priscilla and I have been hard at work all day trying to come up with the perfect cake for your wedding"

Rose furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "How did you know we'd even be by today?"

"Actually, we were gonna come by and get you to try the cakes" Priscilla explained. "But you're here now so it'll be easier for us to figure it out" She went to go dip her finger in the bowl of chocolate but Mrs Mason slapped it away. "Ow! What was that for?"

"This is to pour on the cake, not for you to dip your fingers into" Mrs Mason scolded her. Priscilla stuck her tongue out at the woman, causing Mrs Mason to roll her eyes. "Oh, here" She grabbed a rubber spatula and dipped it into the chocolate. Then she gave it to Priscilla.

Priscilla smiled at her and batted her eyelashes. "Thank you!" She went to go sit at the table as she licked the chocolate off.

Charlie joined her at the table while Rose and Willy stayed with Mrs Mason. "You two made all these in one day?" He asked, referring to all the cakes.

"Sure did" Priscilla nodded. She began pointing out some of the cakes to Charlie. "So far we made Red Velvet, Black Forest, Angel Food cake, Devil's Food cake, German Chocolate"

"And right now I'm working on the cake that I'm sure will be the one you two will pick" Mrs Mason said. "It's chocolate, of course. The cake itself is chocolate and the glaze I'm making here is chocolate. It's even got a creamy chocolate center" She stopped stirring to look at Rose and Willy. "I was originally just going to make the chocolate cake, but Priscilla wanted to give you two other choices" Mrs Mason eyed the girl. "Or perhaps she just wanted an excuse to eat cake all day"

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