A Busy Day Ahead

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It was early the following morning

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It was early the following morning. Lucy and Jenny were making their way to the factory. Lucy was to start making Rose's dress, and while she did that, she trusted Charlie to keep her younger sister company.

"I can't believe we're really going inside the factory!" Jenny said excitedly.

"I know!" Lucy smiled at the young girl. "And I can't believe I'm really going to make a dress out of cotton candy"

"You can make a dress out of anything, Lu" They approached the front gates and noticed four more people waiting. "Look, there's other people here" Jenny pointed them out.

"They must be Rose, Willy and Charlie's other friends" Lucy concluded.

Priscilla took notice of the two new people as they approached. She offered a friendly smile. "Hello"

"Hi" Lucy greeted back with a small wave. "You must be Rose's friends"

"Oh, you're Lucy!" Priscilla realized. "The one who is making the cotton candy dress" Lucy nodded at that. Then, she went around introducing everyone. "I'm Priscilla, and this is Danny, Eleanor, and Felix"

"Nice to meet you all" Lucy said, acknowledging everyone with a wave. "I'm Lucy, and this is my little sister, Jenny"

"Hi" Jenny waved to everyone.

"Oh, she's so cute!" Eleanor gushed over the girl.

"Is there anything you don't find cute?" Felix asked.

"You" Eleanor responded all straight faced. Everyone else knew that she was clearly joking, but Felix didn't quite catch on to that and he frowned. "I'm kidding, Felix! You're the cutest thing in the world"

Felix blushed at that. "Oh, Ellie"

Lucy was quick to notice the violin case that Eleanor was carrying. "You play the violin?"

"I do!" Eleanor answered proudly. "I'm in charge of all the music"

"I'm hoping I'm not too late" A new voice joined in. Everyone turned to see that Harry had joined them. Eleanor, Danny and Felix all shares unsure glances with each other. But, Priscilla welcomed him with a smile.

"Harry!" She greeted him. "Actually, you're quite early. We all are"

"Er, Harry" Danny said to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Priscilla and I are working together on the decorations" Harry explained. "I'm handling all the floral arrangements"

Felix crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, as long as you're not here to cause trouble"

"Guys, Rose asked him to be here" Priscilla explained to everyone. Lucy and Jenny just shared confused glances as they didn't know why everyone was so skeptical of this man. "She's starting to trust him, I'm starting to trust him, and you guys should too. He means no harm, and he just wants to give Rose and Willy a special day to remember. Like all of us do"

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