Family Matters

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It was another morning and Rose's eyes opened

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It was another morning and Rose's eyes opened. She smiled when she saw that Willy was beside her, still fast asleep. The memories of last night flooded her brain. Memories of their wedding and them making love for the first time.

Rose kissed Willy on the cheek and she was about to get up to go have a shower, but a mumble coming from her husband stopped her. "Starshine, don't go just yet. Lay with me a little longer" Rose laid back down. She caressed Willy's face and stroked his soft skin. Willy's eyes opened. "So last night wasn't a dream" He said.

Rose shook her head. "Nope. It was real, cocoa bean"

"Then why did it feel like such a dream?"

"Because that's what it feels like when you're with someone you love"

Willy smiled. "If being with you is like a dream, then I'll never wake up again"

Rose giggled at that. She inched her face closer to his and gave him a kiss. Willy's arm wrapped around her and he pulled her closer to him. Their naked skin was warm against one another.

"Last night was the most amazing night of my life, starshine" Willy confessed. He touched his forehead to hers and lightly brushed his fingertips along the silky skin of her back. "It wasn't just know...which made it so wonderful. But I definitely liked that part" He giggled before continuing. "The whole wedding was wonderful"

"It sure was" Rose said dreamily. She kissed Willy once more. "I was about to pop in the shower. Perhaps you'd like to join me?"

"You know I would" Willy answered with a smirk. Rose hopped out of bed first. She walked around to Willy's side and held out her hands to him. He grabbed her hands and rose up from the bed. He let Rose carry him towards the bathroom.

Let's just say their shower got steamy in more ways than one.


Rose stood in the kitchen as she worked on cooking breakfast for her and Willy. She was wrapped in a robe, and her damp blonde hair was sticking to her skin.

Willy soon joined her, dressed in a matching robe and wet hair. He came up behind Rose, wrapping his arms around her and tucking his chin on her shoulder. He pressed a kiss to her neck.

"Breakfast looks almost as ravishing as you, starshine"  Willy purred to her.

"Cocoa bean, if you keep talking to me like that, I'm just going to have to have you for breakfast instead"

"I wouldn't mind going again"

"Willy Wonka!" Rose gasped, a bit over dramatically. "Since when did you get such a dirty mind?"

Willy giggled innocently. "I think you had something to do with that" He pressed his palms flat against her stomach. "Starshine, do you think that you're...?"

The Chocolatier's Rose {Willy Wonka}Where stories live. Discover now