Dead Battery

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Lukes pov

It flashed bright on my screen.


My whole body ached from the cuts and my vision is getting blurred around the edges, my body feels like its falling and I don't have any energy to stop myself when I fall over and unfortunately I bang my head on the side of the bath, and I'm enveloped into darkness.

I wake up to the crack of thunder later, I sit up groggily and bring a hand to my searing head, it feels like a million little drummers are hitting my brain.
My legs almost give out as I push myself up while holding the side of the bath, I look down and see my arms coated in a layer of dried blood and I can feel my mouth fill with bile, I push it down and press a hand into my stomach when it growls loudly from the lack of food. I bend down to pick up my phone which is dead and covered in blood as well, luckily nothing damaging the inside, so hopefully I can find its charger and just charge it up.
I close the door to the bathroom behind me and move to my bed, I see my bag leaning against the bottom of it. Fishing through my bag I pull out a few things, including an apple which I had grabbed from the hotel before I left, I can cut it up and have a bit later I don't want to pass out again for whoever knows how long. I finally find the cord and pull it out with a happy 'ah'

I shuffle over to the side of my bed to plug it into the socket, I wait for the little light to show up so I know that its charging, when it comes up I sigh out of relief and lay back onto the bed completely exhausted. I'm really regretting leaving the boys now, I just want to go back and I can't stand being away from them anymore.

Thinking about going back home isn't an option though, I've left? They probably wouldn't even want me back by now, I know they're looking for me but it's probably just so people don't think they are bad people, which they aren't, they're good people, they just unfortunately had to meet me.

Sighing I run a bloody hand through my hair, I'm really grossed out by the feeling of the blood on my hands, so I tell myself to get up and move to the bathroom. I flip up the knob on the shower which immediately radiates hot steam and water into the bathroom, I let my muscles unclench at the feeling of the warmth surrounding my once cold and sore body. I pull off the dirty clothes, my top absolutely saturated with blood and my pants with only a few specks and a little bit on the ankle cuffs. I shimmy off my pants and boxers, bringing up a hand to help me balance off the wall to get into the shower, I feel myself relax at the feel off the water on my back, I turn around to get some on my chest, but I forget about my cuts and gasp when I feel the pinching pain of water going in them, I slowly bring a hand up to wipe away the slowly moving blood.

I don't know how long I stayed in the shower but it was long enough for the skin on my fingers to turn wrinkly, my nose crinkled at the sight and I decided it was time to get out and bandage my cuts, which had luckily stopped bleeding and were no longer painful when the water hit them.
It takes awhile of pulling things out of the bathroom cupboards before I finally find a small first aid kit, it doesn't have much but I didn't expect it too, but it has enough, some disinfectant, bandaids and cotton balls to put the disinfectant on. I try my best not to gag at the awful smell that the disinfectant lets off, I then undo a bandage and wrap it securely around my wrist, before I move onto the other wrist.

By the end I haven't done a terrible job, but it's enough for me to be tired and ready to go to bed, I go over to my phone and click on the home button, it lights up with the time, 9:37pm wow I must've been asleep for a long time! My phone beeps with a new message and I swipe to see the list


(11) CAL
(14) MIKEY
(12) ASH

"Fuck!" I yell at myself and sit up more in my bed, trying to be careful of my bandages. I swipe open one of Cals messages.

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