The Ring of Metal

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Another day, another night has gone by. Jin not having any nightmares this night and awoke early. The barely over the horizon, people around him still asleep. He gets up and finds a rock overlooking the camp. Getting into his meditation posture, crossing his leg, and taking slow but deep breaths.

It was his way of passing the time. Certain braves got up as to begin the day as these are trouble times.

Before the night after Jin fell asleep, the Matriarchs discuss what to do with him. With Lansra disagreeing and have him removed from these lands at once. Teersa had another idea maybe he can help Aloy in the quest of defeating the metal devil.

Jezza had some concerns as to Jin's capability to helping Aloy. But after hearing what happened with Teran and Nira it could be possible.

Now it's midday, Jin went around the camp and asked just some information. About the Nora tribe and what they do. He also helped with anyone that needed it. Whether it would be carrying something or advice he can offer.

Teersa: "I see what kind of man you are." She said watching Jin helping.

Jin: "I do what I can. You may be different but your people are in need. And I am willing to do so."

Teersa: "I appreciate it especially what has happened and what's about to."

Jin: "What do you mean?" He asked confused.

Teersa: "Come with me, let's talk." She gestured for him to follow.

Teersa then told him about their situation. This world is in danger that a new threat is corrupting this world. She then explained the metal devil and how it spreading its corruption throughout the lands. Machines being more aggressive, metal machines not like any other. The proving massacre and those who committed such an act.

Jin was listening intensively as hearing her that this surprised him. He was hearing such information but after what he has seen. He now knows that this is severe.

Teersa was taking him up and inviting him to the mountain.

Jin: "How do you hope to stop this?"

Teersa: "This is where I talk about Aloy. She was an outcast at birth, turned Brave then Seeker. I believe she was destined for greatness. To rid of the Metal Devil and heal the corruption."

Jin: "That seems like a big task and the challenges that come with it. She must be a strong warrior."

Teersa: "Yes, and I believe with your help she can achieve greater. This can also benefit you in knowing our lands."

They proceeded to meet with the other sisters.

Teersa: "Sisters I believe it's time."

Lansra: "No I will be apart of this. The girl now this outsider." She said appalled and walking away.

Jezza: "Jin we ask for help and grant you something in return."

Jin: "And what is that?" He asked calmly.

Teersa: "The Mark of a Seeker. You can traverse these lands and beyond freely. We only ask for your assistance."

Jin thought long and carefully of the situation. He knew of the dangers ahead and the experience he'll gain from it.

Jin: "This Metal Devil... If it can be stopped I will give my assistance. And to protect your people."

Teersa: "Do you Jin take the Mark?"

Jin: "I do."

Jezza: "Wonderful, from this day you are given the Mark of a Seeker."

They gave him the Marker as he inspected it. Now he has what Aloy does.

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