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They slept throughout the night as the fire had extinguished. The sun had barely come up when Jin woke up and began to meditate. After that, he went near the river to wash his face while Aloy slowly got up. They were fully ready when they had a quick breakfast so they left the site and walked to Meridian. 

Jin thought in times like these is when he really wishes he had a horse. There wasn't anything wrong with walking except when you have to do it all the time. It would be easy to cross vast distances if the journey was long. Aloy thought of the same thing but she needs to test something to override a strider. Walking can get tiring but they were almost there to Meridian.

Jin: "Are there any other transportation available?"

Aloy: "People use animals to haul big cargo or wagons as such."

Jin: "How come they don't use machines?"

Aloy: "Most don't even know how to even control machines. The Nora tribe forbade anyone from entering the old ones. But I think they were just being paranoid."

Jin: "I understand where they're coming from. Best to stay away from things that you don't know. Especially when you know how dangerous the machine can be."

Passing by the outpost where they killed the guards, they could see in the distance a gate that had Meridian on the other side. Continuing along the path, they came upon a small campground filled with the people of Meridian and other outlanders. There were tents. animals, and stalls that sold goods. Jin was genuinely surprised at a whole new experience. His life was always on the island of Tsushima so to see new people was somewhat refreshing.

Aloy and Jin turned their attention towards the city as they have never seen before. A city that looked like a kingdom for kings and it is built uniquely. Jin was reminded that this place must be a symbol of strength and power like the castle Kamada. Aloy was just as shocked but then saw Jin's expression of awe. 

Aloy: "Well we aren't going to get a better view from here."

Jin: "Yes."

Aloy led the way as they had to traverse a crowd. It seems there was a commotion up ahead as the people shouted outside the Meridian gate.

Carja Artisan: "This is outrageous! We're loyal citizens!/ What am I supposed to do, just sit here and let everything spoil?/ I thought Meridian was open to all Carja!?

The citizens voiced their concerns to the soldiers in front of them. They went past the crowd and through two guards. Aloy and Jin were now walking across a large bridge that had Jin in amazement at the architect. But there still was a tense aura around with the many soldiers around. Jin thought something bad must have happened if there were this many guards all over the place.

Jin: "Something must have happened. If there this much security then that means something happened to someone important."

Aloy: "You think so. Then let's try and find Erend. He's was an outlander that talked to me before the Proving. He'd said he introduce me to his sister if I visited Meridian. Said she was captain of the Vanguard."

Jin: "Then let's find out what's going on."

They jogged the rest of the way to find even more at the entrance of the city. Jin notices they wore the same armor that Zaid and his soldiers wore. Bulky but enough to take a few blows. Luckily Jin was used to defeating armored soldiers. Aloy still took the lead when they walked up to one of the soldiers.

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