A New Horizon

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Published: 11/23/20
Edited: 4/23/21

There stood beautiful scenery with forests, the sun over the horizon, and many structures that were unknown to Jin. Everything around him felt like a another world. He was reminded of his home riding on his horse and taking in the landscape around him.

Jin: "Where am I?" He said to himself.

He ventured out from the cave and proceeded to wander. He noticed the trees, plants, animals, even more machines. The snow-covered mountains, the remnants of the old world, machines from the simple watcher to the massive thunder jaw.

All of these new experiences felt alien to Jin. He took a look back at the cave then walked further into this new world.

Walking on a clear dirt path, Jin needs to know what were those beasts.

Jin: "What is that?" He saw the remains of a watcher.

Jin: "Whatever you are I have to find out more about this place. If there are more beasts like the one I fought." Sitting up and continuing his journey.

Jin decided to observe the various machines around the area. Each of the machines acted like animals almost seeming peaceful.

Getting into the tall grass to conceal himself. He looked at the four-legged machines as he'll come to learn are striders.

Jin: "They remind me of horses." He took note of their appearance.

He noticed that they seem to have the same design. The white parts look like armor, the black wiring beneath, and the blue eyes. Except for a few other parts unique to each machine.

Getting out into the open, he got the strider's attention. First, they look at him with yellow eyes then quickly went to red. He got into his stance and pulled out his katana.

Instead, they ran away from him. Surprised, he concluded that they do indeed exhibit animal-like behaviors. He relaxed and sheathed his katana.

Looking towards the sunset, he needed to set up camp somewhere. Jin found a spot from the machines and where he could see a distance. It was covered by trees and was high enough to see far.

Grabbing wood, a few berries that he learned were edible, Jin then made his makeshift camp. Getting the fire going he needed something to eat.

Jin: "I did see that there was some boar around here. This place does have normal animals."

Staying not far away from his camp. He found a boar not far from him. He pulled out his half-bow, an arrow, and aimed for the boar. Taking a deep breath before letting go of the bowstring. It pierced the boar making a squeal then dropped dead.

He carried the boar back to camp. Proceeding to cut boar and eating it.

Jin: "Bitter but it'll have to do." He said as he took another bite.

After his dinner, he settled down and began to think.

Jin: "To think I killed a demon. This place is something else. But I have to know if there are people here. I could be stuck here for a while, so I must learn what I can." He still doesn't know much but he'll find out sooner or later.

Jin closed his eyes and fell asleep. He began to dream of the things he's done. What he had gone through. The war with Mongols, breaking his code and helping his friends. It all led him to become the Ghost.

He awoke to the place he was at. Sitting up and looking around him. The campfire was left to ashes and smoke. It was early as the sun peaked from the horizon. Scratching his head he stood up.

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