Within the Wildlands

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They arrive at where Erend was said to be. When they were getting closer, they could see fighting going on. A couple of Grazers was attacking Erend as he was having trouble defending himself. Jin and Aloy jumped off their riders and went to help him. Aloy pointed out their weaknesses to Jin so they could take them down quickly. 

Erend was knocked down when the Grazer rushed after him. Only for it to have a couple of arrows pierced its heart. The first was down as Erend looked at who saved him. Jin finished the first one while Aloy stabbed the other one. Ending the battle and saving Erend's life as Jin offered his hand to him.

Erend: "Glad that's over. Thanks for the help."

Jin: "What are you doing out here alone?"

Aloy: "Where are your men?"

Erend: "I'm not going to risk their lives. I don't mind putting my worthless ass on the line. But not theirs. Sorry I had to drag both of you into it."

Jin: "Don't worry. It's smart not to have any else here but would be ashamed if the people lost another one."

Aloy: "This is just an average day for me. You know, take down some machines, track some killers."

Erend: "Right. I hate to see a busy morning for you. Ready to get started?"

It started with why Ersa left with her best men in the middle of the night. They later found her body and the rest along with Carja soldiers. Erend thought it was an ambush as Ersa's face was badly beaten they couldn't show her at the burial. Jin saw him getting emotional and wanted to find the exact soldiers who did this. 

They would kill her because she was with Avad when they kicked most of the corrupted out of Merdian. Jin asked why would she leave in the middle of the night. Erend said it must have been urgent. Lastly was when Aloy asked if Erend was all right. he was drinking and at least thought straight.

Aloy: "All right. Show me where Ersa fell, and we'll do what we can to help."

Erend: "Come. Follow me."

They followed Erend on a dirt path and talked a little bit along the way. 

Jin: "Do you know why she would not take you?"

Erend: "I don't know. Maybe because I would be in her way."

Jin: "Have you always have complications with your sister?"

Aloy: "That seems a bit harsh."

Erend: "No it's fine, Aloy. She was more than I could ever be. A fierce warrior, leader, and always there for everyone. With her gone, an entire responsibility is thrust upon me. It's almost unbearable."

Jin and Aloy never had any type of siblings where they could go or have someone share experiences. Being the only children and having a rough childhood is what made them who they are today. A woman who was outcasted at birth and now is trying to discover more in her world. A man that was raised to be an honorable samurai but all that changes when the Mongols invaded and in turn became the 'Ghost'.

The trio eventually made it to the area where Ersa and her men were found. 

Erend: "This is it - where the ambush happened. Our soldiers have been through it, but maybe that fancy artifact of yours can find a clue or something."

They went to investigate the area and found three clues. A large bloodstain patch, scattered arrow and armor pieces, and a blood trail. Aloy used her Focus to highlight the clues and went to examine the scattered arrows. Jin walked up to the blood along the trail, he kneeled close to the ground and found that it was dried up. Not recent but enough for the event to have happened earlier. 

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