Two People

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The battle in the ring of metal was intense. Nearly half of the bandits were killed by Jin himself. Many Braves attacked with spears and some shot arrows. They clashed against the bandits with ferocity.

Jin and Aloy now had to worry about the massive corrupt bellowback. It shot flames out of its mouth while charging to a close distance. Many braves were focusing on the bandits while Jin and Aloy concentrated on the machine.

Aloy used her focus to highlight the weaknesses while Jin, with his knowledge, shot for any obvious weak spots. Both had their bows and were shooting its sack on its back.

Jin shot one more arrow to its back and the sack exploded. Engulfing it in flames as it shook itself to get rid of it. Aloy went to its left side and aimed for the left flank. The bellowback recovered and started at Jin. It started to charge after him which Jin rolled to dodge.

The machine went past as Jin was behind and sent one final arrow to its heart. It then dropped and face planted into the ground. The bellowback was down as Jin felt relieved that he took down such a beast.

He looked back at Aloy who watched him in admiration. The braves had finished defeating the last of the bandits. Varl just finished killing a bandit as he pulled out his spear from the body.

Varl: "All-Mother look upon our victory! A debt if blood is paid!"

Jin and Aloy glanced at Varl making his speech for today's victory.

Varl: "Remember this day, Brave Nora!"

Sona: "From your lips... To the goddess's ears... Yes... Remember it."

From what they declared, the Braves burst with victory yells and raising their spears. Jin notices that they must be the Braves he heard about.

From what he can infer, this must the people that were part of the proving massacre. This was one of few victories they had even after many difficulties.

Sona: "Be ready to leave this place. Let your spears and arrows rest in the bodies of the fallen... they're tainted like these ruins."

Jin notices one of the bandits alive, barely. He was trying to crawl away, leaving a bloody trail in the dirt. Jin pulled out his katana and went up to him. Stabbing him in his back as he made a gurgling sound and then nothing. He wiped the blood off his blade and sheathed it back in his scabbard.

Aloy watched as this man finished off a bandit. None were to leave alive especially after what happened in these last few days. She stood up and slowly walked up to Jin while he looked at the person he killed.

Aloy: "Who are you?" She questioned.

Jin looked at her with intrigued as he never saw someone with red hair especially of that hair design before.

Jin: "I'm Jin, Jin Sakai. I mean no harm to you or your people." He said with sincerity and calm.

Aloy: "Well it seems you meant harm to them." She referred to the bandits he killed.

Jin: "These men were part of the massacres, yes."

Aloy: "How do you know of this?"

Her head was filling up with more questions. She knew it was bothersome to ask this stranger but she could tell he was different.

Sona: "Aloy!" She called out.

Aloy: "Sona."

Jin was a bit surprised by this but remain calmed and focus.

Sona: "Who are you stranger? You don't appear from these lands."

Jin: "You must be war-chief Sona of the Nora tribe."

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