A Rumor

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Ps: This takes place after the events of Ghost of Tsushima. So he has all the skills, equipment, armor, and techniques.

He is wearing the headband of rebirth, thief's wrap, and the ghost armor.

Also, this has to be the most random crossover that came into my mind. Hope you enjoy.

Published: 11/23/20
Edited: 4/10/21

After everything he has been through, he finally killed their leader. Khotun Khan was no more and becoming the ghost was something he needed to do. The fight with his uncle proved that. He's no longer a samurai and is hunted by the shogun.

But he is not done even if the leader is dead. There is still reminisce of the Mongol army around Tsushima. He will keep fighting and protect his home.

He travels down south from where his new home is. The stuff he's gathered along his journey helps remind him of the people and events he has been through. Along the way, he still deals with bandits on the road, destroying Mongol camps and killing ronin. Occasionally helping anyone in need. Whether it was bandits or finding the truth in the supernatural it didn't matter.

Arriving south in Izuhara, he kept hearing rumors of something going on back at Azamo. As he traveled south the rumors became more prominent. He couldn't make it our but it would seem to have spooked them. People even stopped him and asked if he heard of it.

Jin's POV

Jin: 'I'm heading towards Azamo Bay because of rumor.'

Jin: 'At first I didn't know what to make of it. People said that they heard a loud noise and screeches coming from a cave in the Azamo foothills.'

Jin: 'I thought it could be bandits or Mongols doing. It wasn't until someone said that even the Mongols fear that place.'

He rode for Azamo bay and was going to get to the bottom of this. When he was getting closer he could hear the noises. They echoed throughout the woods which made birds fly away and the animals run.

Jin: 'Sound like metal scraping against each other.' He thought while riding his horse.

Reaching towards the gate of Azamo Bay, he enters and is greeted by a group of people. All looking frightful and timid. They get hopeful upon Jin's arrival.

Peasant: "Lord Sakai." He says while bowing.

Jin: "What is going on." He gets off his horse.

Peasant: "We don't know. Those noises keep get louder and people are afraid to go check."

Peasant: "But a man has been there. He is terrified and hides in his house."

Jin: "I would like to see him. This could be trouble."

Both he and the peasant walk the man's house. A loud screech is heard and everyone looks towards the hills. Jin has to get to the bottom of this.

After reaching the man's house they opened the door and saw the man cowering against the wall with his knees against his chest. He is frightful and timid until he looks and recognizes Jin.

Peasant: "Sir, Lord Sakai is here to help. Tell him about what you saw."

The man thinks for a moment and scoots closer to them.

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