The Carja Border

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?: "Here they are the Hero's of Devil's Grief! Come here been wanting to meet you."

Aloy and Jin look at each other as Aloy knows who it might be while Jin was a bit confused. So they went up to the girl who called her out.

Marea: "So your Aloy. I heard you from the war party. 'The Hero of Devil's Grief'. And Jin the ruthless and infamous 'The Ghost' their calling you."

Jin: "Word travels fast around here."

Marea: "More than you know. You're a lot more mysterious and strange in person. I also heard you took down multiply camps by yourself."

Jin: "Those bandits deserved death whether they knew it or not."

Marea: "After all that has happened more than ever."

Aloy: "So you must be Marea... Varl told me you'd know the way to Meridian."

Marea: "The Carja capital... west will take you to it. But their soldiers will stop you before you get there."

Aloy: "They can try."

Marea then further explained that the soldiers guarding the gate have sealed it off. Their fear for the corrupted machines infested in the sacred lands.

Jin: "So if we somehow cleared out the corrupted machines they'll let us pass."

Marea: "I suppose... But can't spare any Braves to help you."

Aloy: "Who said we needed help."

Marea: "You'll clear out the valley by yourselves." She said in surprise.

Jin: "I'm confident in my abilities."

Aloy: "And I'm good with a bow." She said with a smug smile.

Marea: "For your guy's sake. Better than good."

Aloy then asked for any other information beyond the village and the sacred land. First was the Forsaken village a Nora village where it was destroyed in one of the Carja's Red Raid. A massacre in where many were slaughtered. Marea told them she was young when it happened, explaining it in a sad tone.

Jin listen and looked down for a moment. Remembering after he recovered from the beach. The island was seemingly taken overnight by the Mongols like an oncoming storm. It was then he needed to figure out what he must do to liberate if not all of Tsushima.

There again deep in thought where everything around him was drowned out. It was when Aloy was done getting the information she needed. Marea pointed that her friend seems to be in his world.

Aloy: "Hello..." She tried to get his attention by snapping her fingers.

Jin snapped out of it as both girls looked at him confused.

Jin: "Sorry. It's just what you said made me remember something." He apologized.

Marea: "Well I know that look. I guess even you have an unforgettable past."

Aloy: "We should get going."

Marea: "Alright. Be careful out there you two. I hope you find whatever it is you're after, Aloy."

Both now have the info about what to expect when going across the border. Aloy was prepared to face anything especially the corrupter that she heard about. With this, they set out to the Carja Border. Before they left, Aloy wanted to get a few things from the merchant. Jin checked his weapons and bow for the oncoming fight.

Aloy: "Before we go, I want to see if a person is here."

Jin was a bit confused but followed her as she looked around for this person. She stared at someone then she walked up to that person. It was a Nora woman, with a blue marking on her face, that was near a bush. The woman noticed their presence as Aloy began to question her. Jin stood on the side as this seems personal or maybe Aloy is helping someone.

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