Finding Olin

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This was the first step into Aloy's journey into finding what she really is. All she had to do was find Olin and see what he knows. She thinks with Jin this might be easier than she thought. But they haven't left the city just yet, a few people were talking with Jin. He was different in the way he carries himself like a warrior. His appearance was noticeable because of his armor's dark color and his weapons. He had his traditional katana to his side but it's the sleek one on his back that garnered attention.

Carja Merchant: "Excuse me, sir! Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

Jin was browsing a selection of goods at the marketplace when he was asked by a merchant.

Jin: "Of course."

Carja Merchant: "I don't mean to be rude but where do you come from. It's every day I see a lot of people come from many different tribes but not you."

Jin thought for a moment because he still wanted to keep it a secret how he came here. So he decided to leave it up in mystery.

Jin: "I come from land that is very far from here. A place surrounded by oceans and with no machines."

The merchant couldn't believe what he heard like the place was mythical in a sense. What got him was that place having no machines. Does that mean that where this strange man comes from is real?

Carja Merchant: "I heard strange stories in my time. I don't know whether to believe or not."

Jin: "Whether you do doesn't matter. Just know that it is extremely different than here."

Jin took his leave as to not keep Aloy waiting. The merchant wanted to know more but could only watch Jin's back while he walked away. He regrouped with Aloy and asked where he's been. After telling her that he answered someone's questioned, they headed to Olin's frequent location.



The location was up north from Meridian. A place with even more machines roaming the area and the landscape made of rock and dirt. Aloy was getting tired of having to walk the entire time so she had an idea.

Aloy: "Hold Jin. If we're going to journey for long periods, we should at least have some mode of transport."

Jin: "I thought nobody knew how to override machines."

Aloy: "I said 'they' didn't know. Luckily for me, I know how to override certain machines."

She showed him her spear where the end of it had a device.

Aloy: "This is what helps me override the machines. It was taken from that machine I took down back home. All I have to do is get close to a strider to make it friendly."

Jin: "Well if it means we can get to places quicker. That would be great."

Aloy: "Good. Now I spotted some striders not too far from here."

Jin was curious about how this was the device was going to work. Ever since he fought a Sawtooth when he first arrived here. He viewed the machines as living creatures as a part of nature in this world. So in his mind, this device was some sort of mind control.

They found a group of striders minding their business. The closer they got is when they had to hide in the tall grass near the group. Aloy saw one that was closed to them and chose that one.

Aloy: "Ok Jin. Stay back and watch."

She smirked at Jin as he thought of her playfulness. It seemed like she was going to show Jin a magic trick. So Aloy quietly snuck up to the Strider from behind and spun her spear to other ends. Placing the device next to the machine's butt, She began to override. From Jin's perspective, he saw the light from the strider turn yellow as she held the device in place. What he couldn't see was the shapes wrapped around the device, which indicated the override. The machine's head formed black like ropes as it made sound and then yellow light turns back to blue.

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