The Unknown Ghost

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Jin sprinted to the fort hoping to get there just in time. Along the way, he switched the thief's wrap with his ghost mask.

He was getting close to the west entrance. He heard the sounds of a struggle.

Jin saw what was about to happen and wasn't going to let these men go alive.

Jin: "Hey!" He got everyone's attention.

He looked at the leader with the girl. Then the rest as they were about to be cage up and other worst things.

He saw the bandit's clothing and assumed so.

Jin: "You bandits are nothing but scum. You all deserve death." His voice laced with killer intent.

The leader and the bandits looked at him then each other and laughed.

Bandit leader: "Damn we're about to have some fun too. Now your nothing but a nuisance." He said still gripping Nira's face.

Jin notices the girl and his seething with rage.

Bandit leader: "Kill him boys and make sure he gets want he deserves. Trying to be the hero." He let go of Nira and she dropped to the ground.

Three bandits one with a spear and the other two with clubs charged for Jin.

He's been through this so many times. They'll die just like those Mongols.

Getting into his standoff stance, right hand on his katana. The first bandit held his weapon up leaving him open. The same goes for the rest as they held with no form at all.

The moment the bandit was about to strike. Jin, in a flash, flung his katana in an upward slash. It slashed the bandit's chest as he fell with a shocked expression. Blood flung into the air.

The second bandit came in just the same. Jin slashed diagonally at the bandit as a large gash was created.

The last one was slashed horizontally through the gut. The bandit dropped his weapon and fell.

The three bandits dropped with blood spewing out of their deep cuts. Jin struck with the sheer skill and his mastery with a blade.

The bandits stood there shocked as it happened so fast. Jin then jerked his sword downward to fling the blood off.

The Braves watched as this man killed the bandits with such ease. Especially with those weapons of his.

The rest of the bandits charged at him. Wanting revenge from their fallen brethren. 5 bandits three ran at Jin while two stood back with bows.

Bandit: "Get down!" He shouted as he readied to shoot at Jin.

The bandit shot but deflected by Jin's sword. The arrow broke into two.

He threw two kunai at the archers. It pierced their neck and they dropped dead.

The rest of the bandits attacked Jin. One came from the right and swung downwards with a club. Jin shifted to the left making the bandit go behind him.

A bandit from the left struck with a spear. Jin went into his wind stance and blocked the attack. Then slicing his back making the bandit scream then fall to the ground.

The third one went for a straight strike. It was easily deflected by Jin. It made his club go as Jin was about to use a downward slash.

Then last second to Jin's right he was pushed hard. He flew back and rolled back to his feet. With his katana pointed outwards to his right.

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