For the Fallen

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It was a long trip to where Olin said his family was the Spurflints southeast from Merdian. Since Aloy's device was charged, she was able to get a Broadhead with bull-like horns. 

Aloy: "Hey Jin! Do you wanna race?"

Jin: "Really? I just now got on this and you want to race."

Aloy: "What? Scared you might lose."

Jin: "No, I just don't to lower your self-esteem. It might prove I'm the best rider."

They positioned the machine side by side with an invisible line marking the start.

Aloy: "Ready... Set... Go!"

The Strider and Broadhead kicked dirt from behind as they took off into a full gallop. They raced across the lands and through various regions like rocky hills and lush forests. With them encountering machines but they gave no mind as they were racing.

Even though they traveled far, the machines never grew tired but the ride started to make their behinds ache. They finally made it to the Spurflints where Olin was standing against a rock formation protruding out like a horn. Olin could see them riding those machines as they got off and walked towards him.

Olin: "Aloy! You're a woman of your word!"

Aloy: "Olin. Your family - I saw the threat from Helis. You have a wife and young boy?"

Olin: "If I'd striven to keep them safe, instead all of done -"

Aloy: "This is your chance, Olin. That's why we're here."

Jin: "We will help you whenever we can."

Olin: "I'll take it. A kinder deal was never struck."

Jin: "Where are they now?"

Olin: "Yes, at a farmstead just beyond these rocks. I'll take you."

He led them to the location as they trailed behind him.

Olin: "Can I ask for your name?'

Jin: "Jin. I've been accompanying Aloy for some time now."

Olin: "You must be some type of warrior. I saw the way you killed those guys."

Aloy: "Hey let's hurry before anything else happens."

Jin: "Yes."

They jogged across small dunes and tall grass where they stopped next to a rock. They crouched together as the farmstead was in view.

Olin: "So this is it. I can't bear being so close and..."

Aloy: "It's almost over."

Jin: "We should discuss what to do."

With careful planning, Olin's family can be saved. He revealed how many Eclipse soldiers are and where they're posted. Aloy then asked him what would be his strategy but he dismissed it. Jin came up with two either they charge head-on or sneak to the side of the ridge. Either way, Olin wanted to know if he would be able to fight with them. It would be good for them to have another weapon behind them. Aloy agreed as did Jin so now they proceeded to the farmstead.

Aloy went o the right where she would be upon the ledges while Jin and Olin marched to the front. Jin put on his Ghost mask as they entered the place where every Eclipse soldier focused on them. Jin used his katana to deflect any oncoming arrow as Aloy attacked soldiers near a house where Olin's family was being held.

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