A Daughter's Vengence

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They approached the fort where several people were out doing their business and trade. even they recognized a merchant that they may need to visit later. 

Aloy: "We need to discuss how we are going to do this. We could separate to find both Captain Balahn and Zaid."

Jin: "That would be best. I'll try to find this Zaid and then I'll meet with you later."

They decided to split and go find both persons of interest. Jin made his way further up the first where he spotted a Carja officer that was looking over papers on a table. He approached the man as Zaid was busy looking at the map in front of him.

Jin: "Are you in charge here?"

Zaid: "No. That would be Captain Balahn. I'm his second-in-command, Perfect Zaid."

Jin: "So the infamous Zaid or so I heard from the Nora."

Zaid: "Ah, you've heard of me. Well, let me ease your mind. There seem to be wild stories about me among the Nora tribe."

Zaid: "But they have me mistaken for someone else. I'm not sure where the fault lies, but the fog of war often breeds confusion."

Jin: "That is true but it also reveals one's true self."

Zaid: "So you understand. Unfortunately, some don't as did the last Nora who came through here." He said rubbing his chin.

Jin: "A Nora girl? Was here her name Nakoa?"

Zaid: "Is that her name? It was an unfortunate situation. She attacked me in broad daylight."

Zaid: "If one of my men hadn't spotted her. I might have well been injured. But we were able to subdue her without harm."

Jin: "What did you do with her?"

Zaid: "I let her go. It was clear she thought I was responsible for unspeakable things. So in a sense, her actions were justifiable. I explained that she was wrong then sent her on her way."

Zaid: "Sadly, I don't think she believed me."

Jin: "Do you know where she went?"

Zaid explained that he didn't know only that he received a report from a garrison at Lonesome Rock that a young woman was abducted by bandits. All of this didn't sit well with Jin but he needed to find more info so that would be a start.

Jin: "So you didn't have a role in the Red Raids."

Zaid: "I never said that. But with these rumors of my brutality and torture, that wasn't me. I don't doubt that my comrades did bad things. Sun King Avid has worked hard to eliminate such brutality."

Jin: "I'll be going to Lonesome Rock and find out what happened."

Zaid: "My soldiers can be of help if needed." He gave a slight bow.

Jin turned around to find Aloy behind him.

Aloy: "Was that him? He looks like a Zaid."

Jin: "I did get info on Nakao's whereabouts. But I don't trust him best tread carefully. What about you?"

Aloy: "Well we got a long way to go. Let's talk about it along the way."

They left the fort onto the path overlooking the vast land of desert and new dangers. As they were leaving, Zaid grew suspicious the moment he saw Jin. Now there was a redhead girl of the Nora by his side. This sprouted trouble so he rounded up a few soldiers to deal with them.

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