Chapter 44: Boarding Suite

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I made my way back to the grand hall. It was emptier than before, most of the students were already found their rooms. If only Scarlet was still here, I could've  just followed her.

The few students left were still staring at me, so I quickly left. The boarding rooms for the students were a little bit away from the man canvas. I could've teleported, but it was nice to explore.

The main pathway was lined with bushes blooming with flowers. They weren't  as beautiful as the ones in the garden, but they were still pretty. I would've stopped to smell them if I wasn't too busy.

The boarding house was as grand as the main canvas, but smaller. Since I was a first year student, my room was on the first floor. The halls were crowded with students talking to each other, and servants unloading luggage.

They all went silent as I walked through. Does this have to happened every time I walk through a crowd? This was getting unnerving. 

My room was at the end of the hall, away from the onlookers. My luggage was placed outside. Compared to the mountains at other students doors, mine was just a mound. The dresses I packed saved space by being less frilly, and a bit more comfortable.

I dragged them all end before surveying my room, or rooms technically. I was in the cream colored sitting room, with two windows and a door on each side. I walked to the right side, and saw it was a bathroom, also colored in cream.

I went to the remaining door and opened it. It was a light purple bedroom, with a king sized bed, vanity, and a desk. Two other doors was in the room, one led to a large closet.

The other led to a small porch outside. A plush chair sat next to a table, with purple flowers. The sun was blocked was a balcony above me.

"Hey Maria!" a voice said to my left. Next to my porch was another one, which was owned by my classmate, Scarlet. Well I assumed anyway.

"Hi, did you find your cousin?" I asked.

She nodded. "He's helping me load in my luggage, the school provided us some proper clothes. He can help you too if you want,"

"No thanks, I already did," I walked back to the bedroom.

"I still have to unload, so see you at dinner," I closed the door before she could answer. I did have to unload, but there was more to do than that. Like safety proofing my room. You never know the dangers that can concur, so better be safe than dead. 

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