Chapter 12: Magic Revealed

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When I got to my brother and Arthur, I still had the shocked look on my face, and Author noticed.

"That's not the look must girls give me, at least before I kiss th-" my brother hit him in the head before he could finish.

Jack chuckled while Arthur rubbed his head. He leaned into me and said, "He always does that to girls. You'll get used to it." I nodded.

Arthur was immediately very handsome, even at a young age. With fire red hair, tanned skin, and that smirk, I wasn't surprised that he had gotten himself into things with girls he shouldn't have. But the oddest part of him were his eye color. They were a cream color, so light that sometimes it would be hard to see them at all.

Arthur turned to me and held out hand to shake, which I caustically did. "My name is Arthur Miller, and the future Duke of Millington. You must be the famous Maria Bonaparte."

"I wouldn't consider myself to be famous, this is my debut after all."

"Well you'll be famous after tonight. It's not every day that a beautiful girl shows up in a purple dress. How'd you even get it?"

I had thought that something like this would happen. Only royalty wore purple, and even then it wasn't as deep as my dress. Luckily, I thought of a lie.

"My tutor is a brilliant chemist. He was able to make a formula for purple dye."

Arthur and Jack nodded, but Blake didn't see to the buy it. "Why didn't he tell anyone else of the formula?"

Shoot. I didn't think he would question that. "Oh um, he wanted me to be the first one to use the dye for my birthday gift."

Blake still stared at me, and I didn't think he was convinced. But then all the music stopped, and I heard the king say "Attention everyone, it is now time for the magic ceremony. " People whispered around the room, and I could feel their eyes back on me.

"Are you alright Maria, you don't look to well." Jack whispered in my ear.

I took a gulp of fresh air and nodded. Arthur wished me good luck and Blake said I'll be fine, but I was still nervous. Jack grabbed my hand and lead to me to his parents.

The King and Queen sat in their thrones, and I bowed to them again. When I got back up, the Queen said to me "Are you ready now dear?"

I slowly nodded my head. I already knew what my magic would be, healing from god, poison from my mother, and space manipulation from my father. It was rare, but not to uncommon for a noble child to have two types of magic. But three? That was unheard of, only the king has three types.

The Queen held out her staff, and stared chanting an ancient spell. The crystal it the end of her staff glowed a dark purple light, and the light surrounded me. The light changed to a deep blue, and finally end with a big flash of white light.

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